Samsung went S9-S10-S20. Note changed to S Ultra. Their mid range is AXX which isn’t intuitive for the average person. Plus the intermittent FE models. Apple has made the SE which isn’t obvious. They’ve changed their lineup too.
Samsung went S9-S10-S20. Note changed to S Ultra. Their mid range is AXX which isn’t intuitive for the average person. Plus the intermittent FE models. Apple has made the SE which isn’t obvious. They’ve changed their lineup too.
I’m not sure why this comes up in every Sony post. Their naming scheme is dirt simple and stable unlike other brands. 1 is flagship, 5 is their midrange and 10 is their low end. Mark number is generation.
Simpler than pro, max, plus, FE, lite, 5g etc from all the other brands. I swear people just like to bitch about Sony.
Looks like more generic ODM Chinese phones. With a somewhat no-name processor. Nothing to see here.
Making a product made to discourage usage is always going to fail. Palm phone had everyone excited because we wanted a good small phone. Instead they made an intentionally bad small phone and wondered why no one wanted it.
Bezels stopped mattering a long time ago. The overall height of this phone is 6mm taller than the zenfone and 5mm taller than the iPhone.
You’re saying if ford discontinued all models except for the F350, we could call the short box version a compact truck.
6mm taller is a lot when you’re looking for a small phone, especially using one handed. 3mm is a lot for width too. Now compare it to a true compact like the iPhone mini or Sony compact series and it’s huge. Personally I would not call any of these compact, and if you are going to include a phone with a 6.3" screen, then it loses all meaning.
It’s still significantly bigger than the zenfone 10 or the iPhone and screen size matters more to some of us than the overall size.
Call it a not huge phone or something. Compact should mean something.
We’re told that folding phones are the new small phones, but the moment they start to get usable folded they get bigger too.
I came really close to giving it a try. My two biggest gripes were that the unfolded size was too big and the leather back wasn’t standard.
Slower charging, huge energy waste, heats up like mad
For one, you don’t have to use it, so these are never downsides if its on your phone. Secondly none of these are a problem for me. I charge slowly at night, my phone never gets hot, and phone charging is less than .1% of my electric bill.
Standard iPhone, zenfone 10 and S23 could be considered medium.
Couldn’t disagree more. Both are huge selling points for me, and have virtually no downsides, unlike other phone features.
At least this is about autoimmune diseases which aren’t contagious.
Most phones are now good enough to use for years, and not much is happening for innovation. Makes sense that only people in the high end market are buying anything.
I’d suggest a more durable phone if you can’t even use a wireless charger with your case.
Don’t use a barometric chamber on your phone.
I don’t get why higher than 5w is needed. I charge my phone while I sleep. Wireless is super nice.
Unless you’re in the US, then you don’t get a choice.
Yeah that whole “flat tire” thing was so blown out of proportion. It looks better than any of the current watches with their huge bezels. I swear someone paid off reviewers to pan Motorola’s products. The moto X got a bunch of unfair BS too.
Looks like a solid choice. I like the matte plastic back and wireless charging. This is a good recommendation for a mid price phone, although personally I am not a fan of Pixels barebones android.