I actually haven’t even heard about this tbh, usually I just see another massacre of civilians in the news and go about my day feeling like shit
I actually haven’t even heard about this tbh, usually I just see another massacre of civilians in the news and go about my day feeling like shit
At this point I’ve just kind of realized that there is no argument to be had with them. Not that their stubborn, but genuinely. It’s not that they can’t be critical of Hamas that they’re arguing, but that their criticism is responded to by “whataboutism” (so says them). Which isn’t even an argument so much as a statement? Like I guess yea, if you say so? But the original article is talking about a bombing in a civilian safe-zone that may not even have killed Hamas militants, so criticism of Israel is expected, even in replies of criticism if Hamas. If anything they are just complaining about the way they were responded to, which I don’t even know what the response they want is? I’ve concurred with said criticism, but that doesn’t seem to be it either? I genuinely don’t know what there is to say, or what they want if it’s not agreement with their criticism. Maybe that the criticism should be unchallenged? But again this is a thread about IDF bombs killing civilians in a “safe zone”. Either way I don’t think it’s worth your time, as they can’t even commit to ending conversations that aren’t “worth their time.”
I’m saying that you are bringing back a discussion had many times over and trying to claim that no one has had it. It’s redundant. The article is about an action by Israel, of course the discussion is gonna be about that action.
That’s really it? I thought it would actually be something important. I actually even agreed with your criticism of Hamas. Like, it’s been needless to say that criticism of Hamas has been had already, since way before this thread. Since October 7th even. Your time is being wasted because you wasted it yourself.
Again, what is your argument?
Where is your answer?
Tell me what criticism of Hamas accomplishes then. They went and killed a thousand innocent Israelis, they hide among civilians, resulting in said civilians deaths. What now? Do I get a gold star for pointing out the terrorists? Do the dead get to cheer that their death meant another Hamas militant died (or didn’t in the case of this article)?Are the living supposed to feel grateful to Israel that their family and friends are dead, needless to say hateful towards Hamas for hiding amongst them? What is the goal here? What are me, and the dozens of other people here, missing that only you seem to see? And again I will point it out, this entire thread started when you saw an article takling about Israel’s recent mistake, and said “But why isn’t anyome criticising Hamas?”
Tell me what criticism of Hamas accomplishes then. They went and killed a thousand innocent Israelis, they hide among civilians, resulting in said civilians deaths. What now? Do I get a gold star for pointing out the terrorists? Do the dead get to cheer that their death meant another Hamas militant died (or didn’t in the case of this article)?Are the living supposed to feel grateful to Israel that their family and friends are dead, needless to say hateful towards Hamas for hiding amongst them? What is the goal here? What are me, and the dozens of other people here, missing that only you seem to see?
But they are, that is the situation we are in. At every point we can say Hamas is a piece of shit group for using human shields, but that’s not gonna change the situation. You keep saying that Hamas isn’t getting enough criticism, but I think bombardment by the IDF is criticism enough. The whole ask is, stop shooting through the human shields to kill the bad guys. Even here there is doubt that there even was Hamas hiding with civilians to begin with. We are just giving Israel loads and loads of money, but we can’t even get a more definitive answer than “we said so”? At this point I can only think that, even if by some chance Israel really isn’t commiting a genocide, the end result will be indistinguishable from it. Palestine and it’s people will be erased physically or culturally and we are allowing it to happen, and any pointing that out is met with “Hamas is the one using them as shields” or “Hamas started it”. Hamas is unconscionable. Israel isn’t, or atleast they say they aren’t.
Nice I got the CIA Award for Journalism
You wouldn’t mind explaining what it is then? I’m all ears.
Fukhueson when they find out you’re not actually supposed to kill human shields:
You don’t blame the IDF. So much for the “both sides suck” facade. And I don’t see how you yourself can keep arguing about Hamas warcrimes when, as you’ve said, civilians are supporting the cause. That would mean they are fair game under your views. You can’t have a “both sides suck” opinion when you’ve made notes that one side should clearly be justified.
So thought-crime? They can’t “hide” behind a civilian label because they felt angry about the deaths of their families? How many, realistically, are going to act on it? Because I specifically said that they want it, not that they are going to pursue it.
And fuck it, let’s add to the fact that many are ACTIVELY trying to get out, and even of those, not many actually have the means or are too afraid of being killed whilst fleeing. Is that the actions of a so-called combatant?
We aren’t talking about not killing Hamas though. We are talking about Palestinian civilians. You keep on sidestepping that. All comments I’ve seen you leave are you pretending to be this “both sides suck” person, but making no distinguishment between civilian and combatant with respect to Hamas and Palestine. You talk about Israel being justified in “getting its hands dirty to stop genocide”. You generalize Palestinian civilians as terrorists for a sentiment that Israeli civilians have confessed to feeling themselves.
The ask has been, and always will be stop killing civilians, but there are no “civilians” on one side of the conflict to you, and that is why your sympathy isn’t worth it. I must have missed the direct address to “Burstar’s sympathy” in the article.
I guess I just find it real interesting the amount of doiblethink it takes to continously push that we are “terrorist sympathizers”. Or maybe I misunderstand and you’re saying that Palestinians are terrorist sympathizers because seeing you’re whole family erradicated and wanting revenge against those who did it is terrorism. I definitley don’t support Hamas, and if it is the case that wanting revenge for dead innocents is terrorism, the the IDF are a bunch of brutal hypocrite terrorists that are being funded by the US. Also, it’s kind of hard to see through “genocide” when the Lancet is putting new estimates at 8% of the population dead. I really don’t think “earning” your sympathy or the sympathy of anyone that thinks like you is worth much.
All of that to convince no one that Israel is committing no wrongdoing
Gotta love the ambiguity of this statement
Somebody search this man’s hard drives
🏴☠️, come get your 🏴☠️!!!