I’m no federal judge, but I don’t need to hear any arguments. Keep ICE out of schools.
You want to terrorize kids you can do it some other time, not while they’re learning.
I’m no federal judge, but I don’t need to hear any arguments. Keep ICE out of schools.
You want to terrorize kids you can do it some other time, not while they’re learning.
These schools have huge endowments that can fund their entire operation. Cancelling a popular class because it can’t get funding is just a smokescreen for school politics. Someone wants to take things in a different direction.
It seems obvious in hindsight. Sheet metal doors will crumple in a way that can’t be opened, trapping occupants. The fire doesn’t need to start in the relatively safe and armored battery system. It could be pinched wiring causing a short that ignites plastic interiors, or a fire from another vehicle spreading to the cybertruck.
I’m sure someone mentioned all this to them during design.
The esp32 supports efuses that can be used to require a signed binary to boot. So they could lock their hardware to only work with their binary. Source code wouldn’t matter.
Of course if the source is open you can buy and put together your own hardware and then put their code on it.
I’m not advocating what they’re doing. Rent seeking is rent seeking even if they need to recoup development costs. I’d rather pay for open hardware and software with no monthly fee.
So is it alright to just assume trump is female? The email signature no longer states her preferred pronouns, so I think this is what she wants?
I realized a while back that social media is trying to radicalize everyone and it might not even be entirely the oligarchs that control its fault.
The algorithm was written with one thing in mind: maximizing engagement time. The longer you stay on the page, the more ads you watch, the more money they make.
This is pervasive and even if educated adults tune it out, there is always children, who get Mr. Beast and thousands of others trying to trick them into like, subscribe and follow.
This is something governments should be looking at how to control. Propaganda created for the sole purpose of making money is still propaganda. I think at this point that sites feeding content that use an algorithm to personalize feeds for each user are all compromised.
Besides all the other arguments, fingerprints aren’t like the movies. You need a reasonably flat surface to get a fingerprint from.
Getting a fingerprint from a house or a car to prove that someone was there at some point, any time in the past, is possible. Getting a fingerprint from a plastic baggy to prove someone held it would be much harder.
The distortions would make it extremely hard to match against a database. If they compare it to you then it might show a match, so if you’re a suspect they might make a direct comparison. If they compare it to the cop? Remember the cop is innocent until proven guilty, so they can’t compel them to give fingerprints for comparison. Yes, they could be in a database, but remember the distortion makes it hard to automatically find this.
Any lab work has a cost, and police are lazy. They aren’t going to spend time or money trying to solve a case. They go with best effort.
What if the shotgun makes a noise you don’t recognize? Hit it with the toaster?
I think its dell. Not much to go on, but Texas, global manufacturing and 20yrs seem like good clues.
Something eats these insects and then we in turn eat those somethings.
This is not a way to save us from microplastics. Centuries from now that shit will still be in dirt particles all over the world.
The best thing to be done is go back in time 100 years and stop people from making millions of tons of plastic bullshit.
The second best thing is to stop making millions of tons of plastic bullshit.
Imagine a company with the power to break half the worlds computers with a business decision.
Phind is better about linking sources. I’ve found that generated code sometimes points me in the right direction, but other times it leads me down a rabbit hole of obsolete syntax or other problems.
Ironically, if you already are familiar with the code then you can easily tell where the LLM went wrong and adapt their generated code.
But I don’t use it much because its almost more trouble than its worth.
There are options for additional checks they could explore that are less creepy.
In the meantime I think knowing the password should at least get you logged in enough for account maintenance. You should be able to set the entire account private and take it offline with limited toggles. Restoring full access would require the additional verification.
Just want to point out that it absolutely is possible to train an AI that will keep track of its sources for inspiration and can attribute those when it makes a response.
Meaning creators could be compensated for their parts of AI generated stuff, if anyone wanted to.
The free software as a passion project idea became untenable long ago. It works for UNIX style utilities where the project stays small and changes can be managed by one person but breaks down on large projects.
As a user, try to get a feature added or bugfix merged. Its a weeks or sometimes months/years long back and forth trying to get the bikeshedding correct.
As a maintainer, spend time reading and responding to bug reports which are all unrelated to the project. Deal with a few pull requests that don’t quite fit the project, but might with more polish. Take a month off and wait for the inevitable “is this being maintained?” Issues reports.
I contribute back changes because I want those features but don’t want to maintain a longterm fork of the project. When they’re rejected or ignored its demoralizing. I can tell myself “This is the way of open source” but sometimes I just search for another project that better fits my needs rather than trying to work on the one I submitted changes to.
That is the happy path. The sad path of this is how many people look at the aforementioned problems and never bother to submit a pull request because it’s too much trouble? Git removed most of the technical friction of contributing, but there is still huge social friction.
Long story short: the man pages maintainer deserves something for all the “work” part of maintaining. He can continue to not be paid for the passion part.
If we keep going we might accidentally reinvent Usenet news.
Not saying that like its a bad thing, just saying we might be able to take some inspiration from there.
Can do… But won’t
These should be investigated for autopen use. I feel certain Trump doesn’t know what an ombudsmen is or how to spell it.