Red meat and processed meat are classed as carcinogenic and have plenty of LDL cholesterol. Its not that hard to be healthier than that.
Red meat and processed meat are classed as carcinogenic and have plenty of LDL cholesterol. Its not that hard to be healthier than that.
Crucially: let me have the damn files.
Why would I pay to use your awful webreader or streaming client when reader apps with good UI and quality video players exist.
Very cool that every institution will continue to act as if SSNs are private information and you can’t get a new number issued until after someone uses it to steal your identity.
Or you could, maybe, care about whats true instead of what’s convenient the same way the right does.
ok, state department asset
This doesn’t read as a literal quote to me. I’m feeling 50/50 that was what he was thinking and said something more appropriate vs actually saying that. He was on a podcast, presumably in a storytelling/jokey frame of mind.
Can’t be, must be russians.
Stop acknowledging that there is any nuance whatsoever wrt the invasion of ukraine, you’re scaring the libs.
edit: self determination? never heard of it. Surely it can’t be that both sides suck (unequally) because neither cares what the actual inhabitants of the disputed territory want. Russia is ontologically evil so if you identify as russian you don’t deserve rights.
If the dispute was reversed the libs would be cheering for the brave Ukrainian separatist fighters and the liberatory Ukrainian invasion.
But really, who cares. Landfills are a negligible amount of land usage and land used for them can be repurposed after closing the landfill. As long as you bury it enough to keep it out of the biosphere the environmental impact of not recycling is negligible. Recycling is preferable for lowering resource extraction sure but as long as its still more resource efficient than a gas car that’s irrelevant.
To me this is the same as oil industry propaganda over wind turbine blades not being recyclable, like oh no it’ll occupy a few cubic yards of a landfill in 15 years, better build a new coal/gas plant instead.
CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc. is an American cybersecurity technology company based in Austin, Texas.
Never trust a texan
This is just the paradox of tolerance with higher than usual stakes. If you believe he is an existential threat to American democracy and that American democracy is worth protecting with violence then you should be in favor of this.
If people actually believe he is going to end democracy but the only legitimate resistance is voting harder then we deserve to lose it.
Oh yeah, of course, people are opposed to genocide because it’s a psyop. Let me guess, Russia is behind it too.
What exactly is the distinction between “weakest against Trump” and “had worse polling margins against Trump?” If you specifically want to dial in on the ‘likely to lose’ claim that isn’t what you were asking for in the comment I replied to.
Bernie consistently had better projected general election margins during the primary. https://web.archive.org/web/20160217041242/http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/2016_presidential_race.html
Because it’s a lot less straight forward than that and this guy is a crank with a history of intimidation against other Lakota people.
Also this legal fund is for a hearing that happened a year ago so don’t donate to it.
He got the recordings, he also wanted control of the copyright for those recordings. This would have prevented LLC from even continuing to publish their Lakota dictionary and other language materials. https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1197956092
I was going on a lot of different things but NPR did a good piece on it https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1197956092
Also here’s a telling of Ray Taken Alive making a scene at a conference presentation and trying to intimidate a Lakota woman and interrupt her presentation which I can only assume was the breaking point for LLC since it happened 2 months before they sent their cease and desist. https://lastrealindians.com/news/2023/10/25/rl1qqmxm3cpcvoe8k9vsiv06gxibns
There’s no lawsuit. LLC believed he was using his position at a school district as part of a defamation campaign against them so they issued a complaint and he had to defend his teaching license. This happened a year ago and he never turned off the fundraiser.
*he kept his teaching license but was found to have violated the code of professional ethics https://www.prweb.com/releases/bochetto-amp-lentz-p-c-professional-teachers-practices-and-standards-commission-finds-eugene-ray-taken-alive-jr-violated-code-of-professional-ethics-870961036.html
The guy who mocked a C&D asking him to stop provably lying about a nonprofit and then begging for money online is ridiculous.
Further evidence this guy sucks https://lastrealindians.com/news/2023/10/25/rl1qqmxm3cpcvoe8k9vsiv06gxibns
from the OP
I don’t think they meant fish burgers when they said regular burgers. And sugar isn’t generally considered a vegan substitute for an animal product.