Positing a claim =! positing a source. That’s 0/2.
Positing a claim =! positing a source. That’s 0/2.
Did you know profitability =! Net income?
It’s pretty easy to just edit a comment to better reflect what you actually meant, you know?
A supporter of misinformation. I see. Not a good look.
Two brand new accounts with no previous activity upvoting him/downvoting me and he wants to pretend he hasn’t been alt voting me this entire time lmao
I genuinely meet a good number of pricks, but I don’t meet a lot of genuine pricks.
My quote:
streamers are currently being forced to reckon with their profitability — or lack thereof.
Your misinformed quote:
You specifically chose to quote a sentence about profit
There’s a very important difference there that I think you’re not built to understand.
Not my fault you aren’t capable of typing 4 words into a search engine.
It’s not a ‘source’, bud.
learn to comprehend the whole conversation, don’t reply to individual comments like they exist in a vacuum
Again, would you like me to show you exactly where you’re guilty of this in another thread?
The fact you keep repeating this is hilarious, as is your attitude that you’re so infallible that there’s never any need to correct anything you say.
Your argument falls apart when you look at how you misinterpreted my first reply, too. It happens. If your ego is so hurt that somebody can’t clarify something you said without you launching into a full-blown narcissistic meltdown, that’s not my problem. Especially when it’s misleading at best or unfathomably misconceived at worst.
I’m done coddling your arrogant assertion that I need your permission for elucidating truth and your deeply neurotic misconception that people can’t be mislead to form the wrong conclusions no matter the context, as you’ve literally done yourself twice now.
Thank you for putting this more eloquently than I could. I must admit, I was losing my cool with people being irrational about this.
I don’t know if people are ignoring expense scaling and stock buybacks or purposely choosing to hide it.
I’ll do whatever the fuck I want. Thanks.
Start choosing your words more carefully and it wouldn’t be an issue. Your original comment says nothing about streaming and your follow up comment doesn’t clarify anything:
blu-rays are often as cheap or cheaper than “digital copies”, and ripping them to my NAS is pretty trivial these days thanks to makemkv. the best part is, uncle jeff cannot legally break into your house and take back the disc just because of some petty rights issue.
4k streaming is also way lower quality than a 4k blu-ray
I know how a NAS works, but other people might not or possibly even mistake you to mean you transfer media to another machine for viewing. Additionally, I didn’t have any evidence to speculate that you knew there was a tangential reason for the quality disparity despite your comment being easily misconstrued.
My very first comment in this thread laid out the correct details you missed and you still debated it as if I said something incorrect. So much for 20 years of experience.
Some people…
i’m saying “you don’t get the same quality from streaming services as a blu ray”. does that make you happier?
Yup, words matter. I’m not saying this to be snarky or pedantic, I just don’t want anyone to think that they’re getting something inherently inferior if they want to go digital.
however, my context should have been made clear by the fact that i was talking about ripping blu-rays to my fucking NAS, where they get streamed from
It’s also really ironic you’d say this, because I’ve seen you completely ignore the original context in my thread on another post and could provide it as an example.
i am more than well aware of all of this. nothing i said is misinformation
Your entire presupposition that Blu-ray quality is better than streaming quality by default is misinformation, and I’ve already explained why.
no commercial streaming service is offering video at the same quality level as a 4k blu-ray.
What does that have to do with digital media?
This is also demonstrably untrue if you take 5 seconds to research self-hosted streaming services.
few streaming boxes even support dolby vision profile 7, and no commercial streaming service offers it
Plex on Nvidia Shield. EZPZ.
there is no magical way to cut your bitrate by 75% using the same compression algorithm without sacrificing quality
I never said anything in contradiction to this. I don’t know who you’re shadow-boxing.
Doubling down on the misinformation, I see. H.265 is a high-efficiency codec, or in other words a better compression standard. Not a static compression level. This is why when you convert media there’s an input for quality, even when using HEVC. And you can absolutely stream the same Dolby Vision profile as a Blu-ray with single track double layer.
You’re still conflating digital medium with streaming services.
That is misinformation. The quality disparity you’re both pointing out is from streaming services compressing their media to much lower bitrates to ease bandwidth stress on their servers/clients and has nothing to do with a physical or digital medium.
Interesting, so SOP would rule that out too. I didn’t know this.
I could see a case made for the test units having much better heat transfer and once mass produced the silicon lottery inevitably made some chips run hotter. But those variances are not massive, so it would’ve already had to run pretty hot. IDK
With ATSC 1.0 channels this is generally true, with some exceptions, but ATSC 3.0 channels use OFDM to circumvent a lot of interference. There’s no real way of knowing whether or not it would work but Amazon has a 30-day return policy.
I know that not everywhere is going to be within 50 miles of a broadcasting tower, but it doesn’t hurt to check. https://www.antennasdirect.com/transmitter-locator.html
If you’re talking about more than a 50 mile radius, then yeah it’s probably not realistic. But I’m watching and recording from stations 50 miles out with no issues.
Edit: Just for reference I’m using a passive antenna https://www.amazon.com/Antennas-Direct-ClearStream-Multi-Directional-Adjustable/dp/B00SVNKT86?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1
I have an antenna and a self-hosted DVR and it’s awesome. What’s not awesome is that networks are attempting to weasel DRM into ATSC 3.0 broadcasts and get rid of ATSC 1.0 broadcasts to eliminate third party tuners: https://www.techhive.com/article/2009693/nextgen-tv-drm-puts-future-of-the-over-the-air-dvr-in-doubt.html