Man pushing the narrative that Trump sent the military into a liberal state to fix things with positive results is surely not a precursor to anything sinister…
Man pushing the narrative that Trump sent the military into a liberal state to fix things with positive results is surely not a precursor to anything sinister…
This seems like an insane idea, cosmic radiation causes so many measurable impacts even on earth with things like bit flips, this would be a huge issue in space with no magnetic field and atmosphere. I would think this would focus on low density slower speed chips, and likely avoid anything with flash storage.
Seems like it still in development, they have improvements in mind to reduce unnecessary system calls, and at this time you would only run these patches if memory safety was ago critical you didn’t care about IO performance, which is niche.
Anything that gets us closer to mattercast. If we can have one interop standard to be able to cast to devices, whether it be a kodi box running the casting server, a smart speaker running Home Assistant’s voice, or a google/amazon device, one open standard to rule them all is the world we need to get to.
I know everyone likes tmux but screen is phenomenal. I have a .screenrc I deploy everywhere with a statusbar at the bottom, a set number of pre-defined tabs, and logging to a directory (which is cleaned up after 30 days) so I can go back and figure out what I did. Great tool.
I don’t think the impacts of this are being fully realized yet…like the stores here (Sacramento) are low on eggs, the zoos have taken the birds off exhibit, and I live next to a large wildlife preserve that’s a huge bird migration path and they just like haven’t been there this year. Those giant starling clouds were an annual thing for a week or so and they just didn’t happen this year. It really feels like there’s a LOT less small birds; the big herons and stuff are still visible, but like walking the preserve is noticeably quieter.
This is a good breakdown. A firehose relay takes TB’s of storage and is not practical for self-hosting, and AppView isn’t hostable yet: https://alice.bsky.sh/post/3laega7icmi2q
It’s probably more than you are looking for but if you are already looking at self hosting things connected with NextCloud, use NextCloud Talk. We use it for the family and it is great.
This may not be exactly what you want, but I use Apache guacamole for this. The client becomes a web browser, and a chromium based browser allows seamless bidirectional clipboard. I use Ubuntu VMs with Mate as the DM and with a few keybinds tweaked it is solid. I use tightVNC as my server which supports dynamic resize, and the soon to be released guacamole 1.6 supports sending dynamic resize (since the underlying libraries are now updated to support it; RDP in guac already supports dynamic resize). How performant is it? I have a single proxmox vm which runs 3 Minecraft instances for our server’s 3 bot accounts (which just stand still) and the desktop is still navigable.
I’m super happy and excited for GIMP 3.0. I hate that this info was presented in a youtube video. I can gleam what I want to know from an article with bullet points (which I could find) but I’m sick of half the information I search for being returned in a video, with a fixed time commitment and imprecise “scrolling” to skip. I feel like in search and link aggregators, more and more content is video instead of text and I’m not here for it.
I totally agree…the best solution for the specific problem. “Cloud” was the buzzword solution to every problem for a few years and it wasn’t great in a lot of cases. High I/O home grown apps to be used from a single campus don’t need to be in the cloud. Bulk archive storage doesn’t need to be in the cloud, things like lecture recordings from 10+ years.
I don’t understand your disbelief here, the 2 major players in online email and account mgmt (for education) are Google and Microsoft and both are 0 cost, but the bait and switch is the limit lowering mid cycle, not even on the academic calendar. Now that exchange on-prem is essentially dead and Google and MS control email via blacklist politics, it’s a captive market.
We had been a university with office365 for several years, and the price change came well after the product comparison and decision was made. Once you are in an ecosystem like that the cost of changing is astronomical when you include migration labor, training, and loss of productivity during the transition. When you are a university with thousands of student, staff, and alumni accounts, and the office, mail, and authentication environments are integrated, it’s realistically functionally impossible to migrate.
The student A1 licenses are 0 cost without upgrades, which is why it was chosen, but the storage change was a blindside. We had hundreds of accounts using over the 100GB of data (which was within TOS) and had tons of data in onedrive which had to be moved or we had to fork out per account. This was a bait and switch, plain and simple, and that is the issue with “cloud for everything” is you are at their mercy.
Completely disagree. This last March, Microsoft changed the storage limit per user on OneDrive for education from 1TB to 100GB, and users either had to delete a ton of files or pay for increased license/space. We ended up standing an on-prem file server back up shortly thereafter because we could not get our users and faculty to delete research data and could not afford to nearly double our cost expenditure. In my experience doing IT budget for years, cloud has meant that you cannot predict your yearly expenditures, Especially if you use your services that are funded in part by venture capital. Let’s say you start using some cool research presentation project and suddenly the economy dips and they lose funding, the cost goes way up. Life cycle management has gone completely out the toilets in my experience with cloud products.
Cloud. Businesses went all in on cloud under this illusion of stable costs, but costs go up and contol/support have gone down, and I’m seeing businesses spin on-prem back up.
Man if she has the proof, she should show it then ask him to prove he had bone spurs.
It’s a different device. Already, the existing google tv workflow is different than the chromecast, which was phone control first. Now, it brings up an app which favors navigation with the remote. If I want a set top box, I’ll put a kodi box in…I wanted a dumb dongle which could be controlled from a phone. It’s fundamentally a different product.
My hope is that casting decouples as a concept from being a google protocol. Even though Amazon is backing it now, I hope MatterCast can become an open casting standard. My vision is having MatterCast be an installable add-on to Kodi, and then an ultra-light image can be made for super low-end devices supporting audio and video (or both).
I mean this is the world he wants, you can’t dog whistle people to take up arms against tyranny without a comfortable acceptance of the irony pool you are filling. Everyone will try to spin this to their political advantage but the truth is this is the level of political discourse the right has been driving towards.
This is not gonna happen. They’re an extension of Falun Gong, who runs the Epoch Media Group which pushes the Epoch Times, a far-right paper in the US which worked very hard to curry favor with Trump, meaning you are immune to regulation or prosecution.