they said optimize CPU usage, not reduce CPU usage. clearly they actually want to increase CPU utilization in this mysterious “0.02%” situation in order to get the results faster
they said optimize CPU usage, not reduce CPU usage. clearly they actually want to increase CPU utilization in this mysterious “0.02%” situation in order to get the results faster
Maybe not in single player, but if you try putting more than a few dozen players on one vanilla server, the performance is going down the drain
Unlike buffalo, there is no law saying you can’t have an infinite hierarchy of higher-order FactoryFactories producing lower-order FactoryFactories
Spotify also originally got all its music by pirating it. But later it started printing money for record labels (while fucking over musicians) so all was forgiven.
$1 for tapping the pipe, $100 for knowing where to tap
Oh I forgot about stereo, ha.
at high signal strength LDAC should default to 990kbps… which is kind of ridiculous since it’s so high it’s higher than some lossless codecs, like uncompressed 16-bit 48kHz. (which is higher than standard CD quality)
the entirety of stackoverflow is not enough data to make the AI work properly. They need terabytes of text, stackoverflow has about 50-100GB of useful data at most
This ship is not really chinese. It’s registered to the cook islands, seems to be owned by an indian company, and the captain is georgian. It turns out that the nation of origin doesn’t have absolute control over all the actions of its citizens.
Though if a chinese ship gets seized in international waters, that would be convenient ‘precedent’ for china to start seizing other ships in international waters in the south china sea
the best part is when the police training material prominently features quotes from adolf hitler
There is an implicit threat of government censorship there, even if it is ultimately toothless. And since valve is clearly not the one interested in increasing moderation, your point about the 1st amendment “not applying to private forums” is irrelevant
if it’s the government that is doing the censoring, against the will of both the users and the private company, how does it not apply here then?
also the person apparently spent 2 million dollars to find the number. and the money is probably from stock compensation from nvidia
that does happen to be one of the defining characteristics of mersenne primes.
And searching for mersenne primes happens to be the easiest known way to find extremely large prime numbers (via the Special Number Field Sieve I believe)
Looks like the image I found cropped out the signature, seems to be
Garbage collection is still allowed, and technically JIT languages are still compiled so it really isn’t that restrictive
every single language (except Vlang of course) is memory safe if you program it perfectly.
Very, very few humans are capable of doing that, especially with C.
get a motorized height adjustable standing desk, an egg timer and a slow treadmill, set the timer to 16 minutes and 43 seconds, every time the timer runs out, rotate between standing position, sitting position and walking position while resetting the timer.
When you’re ready to level up, upgrade from just an office chair for the sitting positon to a mixture of office chair, saddle chair, prayer mat and stout 19th century four-legged wooden stool certified handmade in the russian far east. Rotation as follows:
standing -> office chair -> treadmill -> saddle chair -> standing -> prayer mat -> treadmill -> flat stool -> repeat.
When you’re ready for the endgame, upgrade from an egg timer to a stochastic bell timer powered by a brass cyclograph. This eliminates any possible linear relationship with your BRAC cycle, ensuring a well-rounded dynamic stress regimen.