Ah I missed the other comment, my client still had a cached view apparently. And definitely true regarding mitigation, your phrasing just read funny to me :)
Ah I missed the other comment, my client still had a cached view apparently. And definitely true regarding mitigation, your phrasing just read funny to me :)
Not sure if joking or naive…
Hmm yeah I was aware of that but personally didn’t see it as a reason not to like Kagi… Lori came across as quite drama seeking without solid arguments imho. Thanks for the response!
Have you tried the small web lens? They run their own index specifically to help surface the content you mention is hard to find by default.
Any specific reasons? I’m a very happy Kagi user and the founder is active on their discord and seems like a really nice guy.
Guess it depends on your client because it works for me.
Ah yes you’re right!
Is that CPU cooler resting on your GPU or is that just the perspective messing with me? It looks rather dangerous.
/120? /48 and /64 are common assignments, where /48 is imho preferred as it allows you to easily use SLAAC inside your network. I’ve seen plenty of home setups too and I don’t know how to say this nicely but you should really read up on IPv6 before posting comments like this pretending you have an idea what you’re talking about. Seriously.
I don’t agree that you usually would still use NAT with IPv6. I’ve never seen NAT in combination with IPv6 and I’ve seen plenty of deployments at our customers. NAT is not the same as a firewall, so just using public IPv6 addresses does not mean that you are exposing every port by default. I think you should read up on IPv6 and firewalling before making statements like this :)
Edit: you don’t even have to set up firewalling on each internal device… the router/firewall blocks inbound traffic by default.
Without knowing the details of C, I’ve seen this in other languages and it’s usually something with missing a flush or a buffered output mode or something like that.
I’ve been running Proxmox with LXC containers for years and it has been super stable and convenient!
Nothing in the changelog regarding a fix for bricking pixel 6 devices with the Android 15 update… Awesome stuff Google!
You could also see it as you preventing someone else from learning from their own mistakes. Maybe reframing it like that could help with skipping :)
I believe that’s their usual release process.
SystemD also contains things like a network manager, dns resolving, ntp time sync and more, which I agree should not be so tightly coupled to the core init system.
Yeah I totally agree, I hate that they keep adding new stuff instead of focussing on their core business. It’s especially annoying as the Android Protonmail app and the regular web mail client are really bare bones and have several long standing issues. Honestly if I had set it up with my own domain instead of the @pm.me (which admittedly is a nice suffix) I probably wouldn’t be a paying customer anymore.
Sorry if I misunderstood your comment, it seemed like a metaphor for social media but perhaps I assumed too much. My bad!
You know you don’t have to doomscroll social media right? You can just, you know, not do social media.
I have 450+ hours of Pavlov on PSVR2, plenty of hours in other games as well. The biggest issue imho is size / type of players. There’s not always good servers/people around when playing Pavlov and it’s just not fun single player. But being able to play basically VR CounterStrike at home is just awesome to me, the tech is great.