Thanks, I will take a look! Implementing the encryption algorithm itself wasn’t my goal, I was hoping to find and reuse an existing library. You know, like we don’t implement our own algorithms to hash passwords or generate keys.
Thanks, I will take a look! Implementing the encryption algorithm itself wasn’t my goal, I was hoping to find and reuse an existing library. You know, like we don’t implement our own algorithms to hash passwords or generate keys.
For some context, cryptography isn’t even usually implemented “completely correctly” by experts. That’s part of why we have constant software security patches.
Yeah, I totally agree, and I don’t expect to implement it properly or go public with this. I just got this idea for the final project. When it comes to password hashing, we have libraries in all popular languages that handle this, and we have open-source tools to generate keys. So, I was hoping to find something ready to use for my project. Unfortunately, it seems this area isn’t very popular.
We got gimp 3 before half life 3.
by ditching the Karma farmers
How, exactly? Decentralization aside, lemmy is a reddit clone, but on a smaller scale. The same human psychology that drives reddit also drives lemmy. I think your assessment is more applicable to mastodon because there you really have to figure out how to fill your feed with content.
But even a web-based version of Word can’t be a Google Docs alternative, because Word can’t into spreadsheets and presentations.
Maybe I missed something, but since when Word is not only an alternative to an office suite, but also a web-based one?
A tablet versus laptop? I don’t get it. Apples to oranges.
Yeah, but smartphones have stopped offering anything new. I recently upgraded my 8-year-old device, and I hardly notice any difference. I bet other customers see that too. They are desperately trying to find the next big thing. It’s astonishing, however, that all these companies completely ignore the fact that their customers don’t even want AI features.
I guess if you make a lot of money you get a pass for allowing misleading and anti-consumer marketing campaigns?
He is appointed by the people for whom he is making money and not by the customers. So the answer is likely yes.
My back hurts when I see a colleague on a zoom meeting sitting like that cat.
A couple of Sony games because they don’t want to sell them in my country 🤷 They leave no other choice but to pirate them.
Is it? In Sam’s case, we’re mostly talking about creative products in the form of text, audio, and video. If an artist releases a song and the song is copyrighted, it doesn’t hamper innovation and technological development. The same cannot be said when a company patents a sorting algorithm, the method for swiping to unlock a smartphone, or something similar.
I think they are either completely delusional, or they know very well how important AI is for the government and the military. The same cannot be said for regular people and their daily struggles.
Having a bad dream? Why don’t you dream about RAID SHADOW LEGENDS instead! DIVE INTO A DARK FANTASY…
For real. If a human performs task X with 80% accuracy, an AI needs to perform the same task with 80.1% accuracy to be a better choice - not 100%. Furthermore, we should consider how much time it would take for a human to perform the task versus an AI. That difference can justify the loss of accuracy. It all depends on the problem you’re trying to solve. With that said, it feels like AI on mobile devices hardly solves any problems.
Thanks for your reply. The idea of zero-knowledge authentication is that the password never touches the server. Instead, the user can prove that they know the password when logging in by solving a challenge. This enables the user to log in from any new device without the need to transfer keys between them. I’ll take a closer look at your suggestions though. Thanks again!