Tbh, if I worked as a webpage artist in Pokemon GO I think I’d do the same. It comes with the ethos of the company.
Tbh, if I worked as a webpage artist in Pokemon GO I think I’d do the same. It comes with the ethos of the company.
I didn’t know this because I generally tune out anything sponsor related either by sponsor block or just shut my brain off to it so that makes I guess a bit more sense with context. I think that in an instance like this not too many people will get that though. It still actually comes across as over the board because of the severe implications with Linus as a company shareholder, but this is Twitter so maybe I’m just over this kind of advertisement exposure.
Talk about trying to keep the coals hot.
“just enough to justify not paying their workers livable wages” FTFY
They’re both good. I can’t get into other apps like Infinity though. I just tried it and now I’m too used to the sleek look of Sync. Connect is very close in the race, and without ads it may as well be neck and neck.
We’ve done nothing and we’re all out of ideas!
I guess they announced that in 2017 but there was so much backlash they backed out. That was around the time they introduced 3D Paint. Now I’m wondering if they’re going to silently remove the og Paint and call 3D Paint just Paint with all the new features.