You may want to check lowendtalk. Jar (mxroute owner) run promo over there, at least once a year.
His last black friday link below. https://lowendtalk.com/discussion/190301/mxroute-black-friday-2023-email-hosting-that-spammers-crave-but-cant-have/p1
His black friday page still up too. https://mxroute.blackfriday/
Cheapest is $15/3 years for 10GB.
I’ve been using his service for years with no issue, and my account is grandfathered plan ($10/year for 50GB)
Non affiliate beside being their customers for years.
Spot on. Got pastor here lived in terrace penthouse in exclusive island that cost 5 digits per month, spouse also rented a 5 digits per month house in hollywood, and paid someone millions to produce her music video. i can only 😱 and dream of it. Not gonna happen to me in this life. 😭
E: I meant in the context of cult mega churches.