The buyer should have used the 20% off coupon
The buyer should have used the 20% off coupon
The US declared war on drugs and drugs won
It’s like Superman III
The CEOs get a false sense of security and are lured out of hiding. Then the real killer guns down another one. Rinse and repeat.
And you’d think a simple solution is just leave out the hyphen when you put you name in, but that can also lead to problems when the system is looking for a 100% perfect match.
And good luck if they need to scan the barcode on your ID.
The art department came up with this spooky graphic and then they had to put out an article to go with it
hope you and the kids are well Gerald has hemroids xoxoxo
Looks like the article was updated today. I’m guessing this was originally covering an announcement for a future rollout and now it’s finally happening?
Let me take a guess… Trump is still using “maga2020” for the password for his email like he did when his Twitter account was compromised.
This is Mar-a-lago? He lives inside a Cheesecake Factory?
My name is Nathan Fielder, And I graduated from one of Canada’s top business schools with really good grades.
The plan: turn this website into the world’s first parody cybersecurity platform
If Democrats follow that playbook it only legitimizes it, giving a future Republican administration the green light to do it as well.
The correct response is what we’re seeing from Biden today. Put it down on paper and get it on record who really supports the rule of law
Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was, the battle at Gettysburg, what an unbelievable. I mean, has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Maybe it’s a glass eye prosthetic?
Only 3 felony charges. Those are rookie numbers.
I’m over 40 and I had to Google his name to figure out why it sounded familiar.
I asked it to write a Seinfeld episode about the product I was viewing, Trojan condoms. It writes a cautionary tale for me where Elaine is warning everyone not to buy them because the condoms are defective.
Seeing the 5 legged cat was the moment I started to believe this stuff really was AI generated.
Yeah they have a physical storefront in every state so, as a bank, they would need to follow the specific financial laws of each state. Gets super complicated because you end up with different interest rates depending on where the customer lives.
Sonny Bono went out that way so it could happen.