Oh no! They’re worried!
Fucking do something about it for once
Oh no! They’re worried!
Fucking do something about it for once
My fear is he’s going to be used to instigate the social unrest needed for project 2025 to reach it’s goal of suspension of habeus corpus by June 30th. That’s end game and the way they’re concentrating messaging against the judicial branch right now means they’re grinding toward the 6 month milestone right on schedule.
The fact the most famous dems aren’t saying the above is chilling.
What if we all got too comfy with our rights and values during lockdown and the tree is about to be shaken so violently that we’ll all be thankful for a low wage job in a few years? I guarantee that’s a bipartisan goal.
Stay peaceful folks, the future demands it.
I fear that we’re witnessing a concerted conditioning aimed at ensuring the suspension of habeus corpus. At this point, it seems to be a bipartisan theatrical effort. I reallllllly hope I’m just being paranoid because if I’m right, we have no concept of the hell that awaits us (I’m writing this from a quantum decryption proof VPN)
Do I quote the “free speech” or the “absolutist” when talking about this “man”?
Pretty sure that’s every generation in relation to the next: https://arapahoelibraries.org/blogs/post/generational-blame-a-brief-history/
If you want to investigate gaping holes on the internet, you could skip the camera and go straight to pornhub
The irony is that an IdP (identity provider) with SAML-based Single-Sign On is supposed to be another line of defense alongside MFA. It’s like the security company you hired for your gated community hiring ex-cons!
This is the way. It baffles me how often I have to have ‘the talk’ with IT people. Don’t be lazy, create a secure tunnel into the LAN!
That’s optimistic tbh. More like my comment is the result of 2 decades of fighting the good fight only to watch those I’m trying to help dig a deeper hole. Time to tend my little patch of grass, build a sturdy fence, and hope for a renaissance.
Sounds good. In the meantime, I’m going to buy some Pfizer stock for my kids sake.
What makes you think they care about deterioration of the battery? More future sales if they run some charge cycles before you even unbox it.
… pretty much proof positive that win 12 will be subscription-based IMO
I’m such an apathetic consumer of media nowadays… it’d suck if we all just started going outside again, yknow?
Uhhhh… can we get his list of those he won’t fly on?
I think the word private in “privately saved” should be in quotes, clearly.
Remember kids - firefox was built off the netscape navigator kernel. A download for FF is a vote for the right side of antitrust history (and therefore future)
Nobody ever asks why it’s the C:\
Pour one out for A:\ and B:\
Have a listen to alan watts some time. We’re all just molecular patterns.
The cloud is a series of clustered computer resources sitting behind load balancers, segmented by IP and DNS.
The cloud is very much someone else’s computers, maintained by someone else’s employees.
Source: a decade of big cloud consulting
and #4: we dont believe if we take a bold step forward that our neighbors will show solidarity and endurance, which then puts us at risk of prosecution. A lot of us have kids to protect.