I tried helping family and friends as well however the reasons why I wanted to switch (privacy issues and getting served start menu ads) where not shared.
Most people don’t care how something works or the moderations behind it just that it works and more importanty that it works exaclly the same way each time.
Ignoring an ad or slightly modifying your tolerance for a increasing shit process is more easy that trying a completely new approach.
The way Mac OS overcomes this is with “buy in”, its expensive so people are more motivated to actually learn the Mac OS way to do things so their purchasing choices are validated. There are more reason but this is a big one.
Just keep yours expectations reliatic. Just because someone complains about windows does not mean they are ready to switch.
+1 bazzite as well. It comes with waydroid for android apps, its Linux (so WSL covered), it does have a gaming focus, it has various Virtualization tools (toolbox, box-buddy) but you can get other options depending on what you actually want.
Don’t like it you can rebase to one of the other ostree based images from uBlue or fedora with about one command and a reboot.