Bro! But capitalism uplifted the most amount of people out of poverty than any other system right? Right?
The clippy we all deserved
I am no economist, but don’t you think this behaviour of Amazon leads to “carrot and stick” and at that point it is basically a monopoly right?
Are libs of US that naive/insane to blindly follow him? I observed that good number democrats(supporter’s) acknowledge that Kamala is not the perfect solution. Are libs truly that naive/insane?
Completly out of context, but I want to ask an important question
I am from India, currently studying in Australia and back home I was actively involved in politics. Being involved in politics means I have to give a damn about the US, and for the first time in my life I happened to watch the presidental debate. Ever since, I have been wondering how Trump has so much following and how was he a president of your country? Not a single statement of his made sense, and not to mention how he always deviated from the topic being discussed. Can someone please explain what is happening in the US?
I am honesty waiting for the day, “when AI can solve all the physics problems”. I mean with respect to where AI currently stands and the very fact that we cannot define generalisation with respect to deep learning. How can they make such bold statements without talking any accountability and responsibility? I agree it is pure corporate greed motivated PR show but there should be some level of sanity, responsibility and accountability
Edit: Typos and grammar