Yeah, well I already got my boat in the water since the account sharing announcement from Netflix. I’m sure many more will do the same in the coming months.
Yeah, well I already got my boat in the water since the account sharing announcement from Netflix. I’m sure many more will do the same in the coming months.
At the very least setting referer policy headers and such would be a good addition.
Streaming was great when Netflix launched, convenient and affordable - I remember being excited when Netflix finally launched in my country. Was only a matter of time before all would turn to shit with every tv network/producer launching their own streaming services and fragmenting all that content.
I also have a different address for every account I have, I’m currently using cloudflare to forward everything to my gmail address, using SMPT in gmail I’m also able to send from those addresses in case I need it.
Downside is I need to enter SMTP for each e-mail address I want to send from, but i really only ever send from info@. Spam wise there’s no issue if you’ve set up SPF, DKIM and DMARC records properly.
AI can write better articles at this point
It is running 24/7 yes, temps are stable and only really goes up when I’m home and actively doing things that would make it go up (like watching jellyfin). It runs with the lid closed and screen off.
You can always use one of those laptop stands with coolers underneath, or even without coolers, just having it lifted may improve airflow too. I did monitor the temps the first few days but it really doesn’t seem to be an issue, CPU temps at the moment is around 50 C, GPU is disabled as it’s old and can’t even be used to transcode anything.
You can always just use your laptop to try it out, see where it goes and then decide to spend money on something better and more suited to your needs.
A little note on that: Amazon SES free tier is going to change starting tomorrow though. It changed from free to free for 12 months (with adjusted limits), see https://devclass.com/2023/06/23/aws-to-remove-62000-message-simple-email-service-always-free-tier-from-august-2023/
For comparison, I’m running about a hundred containers on a 9 year old laptop easily (i7 4700 HQ with 16GB ram), I’m sure I can run many more
You could turn off logins completely and put something like Authentik in front of it, handle logins through there instead.
You’ll love the new EU law that forces batteries to be easily removable and replaceable by the end user (by 2027).
I feel disgusted for looking up to this dude about a decade or so ago
UK really seems to want to close themselves off from the world. Sounds like an immense amount of work for something that can never be truly effective, the ones who want to keep their communication secure will always find a way.
It is indeed Excalidraw
For me, making a graph is the best documentation, everything else is in config files.
If I really do need to takes notes, It’s currently in notion but I’m hoping soon I’ll be able to self-host AnyType (https://github.com/orgs/anyproto/discussions/17)
I still have Netflix, but only because they still haven’t bothered me about account sharing. The moment they do, It’s going away.