I didn’t know they’d be able to tap into the Firefox profiling tools, that’s neat! Probably great data to have as they get into debugging of more complex websites.
I didn’t know they’d be able to tap into the Firefox profiling tools, that’s neat! Probably great data to have as they get into debugging of more complex websites.
This was an awesome read!
Right now, a lot of MUNYA
This is not the case, but I do still disagree with the “trust me bro” approach to a feature rollout that does send data your somewhere, encrypted or not.
Edit: For those interested, the reason it’s not the same as a backdoor is that the result of the computation done on HE data is itself still encrypted and readable only by the original owner. So you can effectively offload the work of a certain analysis to a server that you don’t actually trust with your keys.
Homomorphic encryption, which allows for analyzing secret data without a decryption step, is actually incredibly cool. It’s a shame the conversation will begin with the fact that they deployed the feature as on by default.
So far, we haven’t been able to trace back to the initial compromise vector in the campaigns seen in our telemetry.
They hypothesize that attaching a compromised USB drive to an air gapped system is to blame. That seems to be a well known vector at this point. Does it matter much what tool is used to copy data once it’s in?
Because this viewpoint exists I died to crime.
Thanks a lot
I’m really sensitive to light when I sleep. I’ve got blackout curtains, no annoying little lights on any devices, the usual. One of the advantages is that by having a smart light bulb set to gradually turn on alongside my alarm, it really wakes me the hell up. Maybe try incorporating a light to yours?
Also worth mentioning that as the ISS was being constructed, its planned retirement was to be about 2015. We’ve been able to massively extend its operational period, which is awesome, but the materials can’t last forever.
My go to for most of what you mention is Go, but that’s obviously a compiled language and not for scripting. Or is it - What do you think about https://github.com/traefik/yaegi, which provides an interpreter and REPL for Go? It would let you use a performant and well documented language in a more portable scripting way, but not preclude you from generating statically linked binaries if and when that’s convenient.
This was my favorite detail of the master plan:
Joshua Hunsucker had told two coworkers that if he killed someone he would do so using eyedrops, according to court documents.
Early days is one thing, but if this is the entirety of the code
Then there isn’t much to have a discussion about…
Me too! I am not a professional but audio support is such a point of friction for me that I’d love to see how others handle it when it’s critical to their work.
There’s already some good advice here, especially about virtual environments which might be the most important new concept to learn IMO. But just to let you know - it’s not just you. The most generous view of the Python package situation is that there are a lot of different ways to do it.
a stable experience that isn’t buggy
Stable has a particular meaning with distros but I think the context here is using the plain English definition of the word.
This change would also be bad for anything that scans for keywords, which includes most applicant tracking software.
I once spent a few days sketching out what sort of video game I would make, if I ever did. More as an exercise for myself (a developer nowhere near the game industry) rather than an actual plan. At the end of it, I had a sci fi setting with a handful of roguelike and deckbuilder elements. Shortly after, I discovered Breachway, and it felt like someone had been reading my mind. I love that they have a proper demo, and now I’m really excited to see the game approach its release!
The README lacks a description of why I would choose this over rm
. The name makes me think it might replace shred
but that doesn’t appear to be the case.
Can we talk about how utterly absurd it is that there isn’t an obvious answer to this question yet? Feels like we’ve gone backwards from the AIM Direct Connect of old.
It’s because of the ability to trade items with other players. Any exploit that affected item drops or crafting creates the potential to upend the entire global market in the game, affecting the experience of many other players who might play mostly alone but will often look to the market to trade for items they need.