I’m gonna join in with everyone and recommend completely zeroing all the drives (make sure you unmount them before doing it). It will take a while but at least you will have drives in a known state and can eliminate that as a possible issue.
A typical bike-riding leftist urbanite who also happens to be a hockey-crazy Western Canadian.
I’m gonna join in with everyone and recommend completely zeroing all the drives (make sure you unmount them before doing it). It will take a while but at least you will have drives in a known state and can eliminate that as a possible issue.
Asking out of genuine naivety, why do you do that?
Linus himself uses a macbook, I’m sure the mainline kernel has decent support for somewhat recent hardware
Yeah, I really wish people would be a little more tactful when they go on performative tirades like this. It’s giving “old man yells at cloud” energy. Ridiculous behaviour when you think about it. People can block clouds, yelling is worse than useless.
To be totally fair, nostr’s whole thing is that users can delete all of their federated data if they want to, so it makes sense if they are upset about having their data copied to a place they can’t control.
Not sure how realistic that is with the data being publicly accessible via the web, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the they have some kind of license that gives the dmca request the ability to hold a nonzero amount of water. Then again, I wouldn’t be suprised if completely fails, either.
they are idiots that are completely messing everything up including their own plans
Incompetence is one of the hallmark qualities of a fascist government.
I was expecting this to be yet another transparent rug-pull scam, but I hadn’t even considered he might pull the rug out from under the entire global economy (at least not this way). Scary thought.
It definitely could be a hardware failure, but if the system still boots fine, it’s probably not that. Based on the symptoms, I think you might have clobbered your PATH variable. This can happen when you do something like PATH=/new/path/
because the variable gets overwritten. You have to remember to preserve the existing value with PATH=$PATH:/new/path/
. Don’t worry, this is reversible.
The best thing to do would be to fix or temporarily remove the commands you used to set PATH in whatever profile or .rc file it’s in. You can run whatever text editor you have installed by specifying the path to the executable. I don’t know exactly where vim is on Fedora, but it’s probably something similar to /sbin/vim
or /usr/bin/vim
. Keep trying locations until you find the right one. Then log out and back in and it should be fixed.
You might also be able to login as root and use the shell normally to fix the problem, depending on which file contains the faulty command. Hopefully this helps.
Maybe pay a random stranger in cash to rent a bike for you
Did you only try F2? It’s possible the graphical session is on tty2 - see if ctl+alt+F1/ 3 does anything
You should look into kodi. It’s a big screen oriented media player/organizer app.
GNOME spawning 3 new DEs every time they have a major version update
I’d rather have a New Deal 2
Not sure if sarcasm or actual disinformation. You’re not supposed to trust the aur, that’s kinda the whole point of it. The build scripts are transparent enough to allow users to manage their own risk, and at no point does building a package require root access.
Probably have a few cards running the displays and the rest of them mining some sphere-themed memecoin
Alright, but if I end up getting stuffed in a goo-filled pod so the AI can suck my energy out through a massive plug in the back of my head, I’m gonna be pretty upset.
A really common issue with sway is that it doesn’t run as a login shell, so none of your .profile or other environment settings get sourced when you login. I think that might be the problem here.
Try closing your sway session, then login to a tty and run sway
. If the qt themes work properly then it’s definitely an environment issue.
That’s not really a fair comparison. Robber barons got to build statues and skyscrapers as testaments to their own vanity, meanwhile recorded music was still in the process of being invented. Even so, I’ll make the point that names like Beethoven, Liszt, Chopin, and Tchaikovsky are equally as recognizable.
Such is the problem with dictators in any situation. A benevolent dictator might be one of the most productive ways to run a project, but at some point there has to be a successor. Even a mildly-less-benevolent dictator could cause a lot of damage. Linux needs a governance structure with checks and balances even if it means slower decision making; it’s too important to let fall into the wrong hands.