Odyssey is/was a LBRY client.
Also strongly discourage peertube; it’s a massive pain in the ass to maintain. I’m not sure how useful an AP video service is to begin with, but you can do it without being that awful at it, surely.
Shitposting at the speed of light. I have the power of God and anime on my side. … That should probably be a pop song or something.
Odyssey is/was a LBRY client.
Also strongly discourage peertube; it’s a massive pain in the ass to maintain. I’m not sure how useful an AP video service is to begin with, but you can do it without being that awful at it, surely.
What does that actually do? What’s the consequence of setting it to 10,000?
The freest and open sourcest solution
Under some circumstances it gets called fedilink instead, and sets it as the page’s title. I don’t know what those circumstances are but I do know lynx meets them.
I’m in favour of that regulation solely due to how much it would piss off Apple.
Beyond that, anyone who engages these services gets what they fucking deserve. Governments should be required to only use open-source software and host their own servers, everyone else is free to make stupid decisions.
Oh that’s nothing. Remember what happened to kfcc?
Still mad about this. http is fine too.
What if they decide me using an “untrusted” OS means that I can’t access my bank?
This already happens! safetynet can suck a fat, rotten cock!
There is a disturbingly large number of people that haven’t figured out how much ubuntu sucks.
It’s just that ubuntu, and everything in the debian family, sucks massive ass, and few people acknowledge it.
It doesn’t tell you to actually run nginx, it assumes it will automatically run when installed. I don’t know why, that sounds like dumb behaviour even if it were correct. You are right about the guides being trash.
I recommend getting used to package manager (apt, dpkg) and system daemon/init system (systemd - accessed via systemctl) and then ignoring that guide. Installing and running nginx isn’t complex enough to warrant a guide; installing packages and running services, in general, are just. Configuring nginx, however… If you know the concepts, it’s pretty easy. The concepts are hard.
Look in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf, it probably include
s ./sites-available/*.conf, look in there for ssl_certificate
) that mentions that fullchain.pem, remove/comment(#
) and restart nginx.
It may still bitch about not having a cert for ssl, in which case take that out of the listen
directives too.
That’s your problem. Putty does keys differently to normal ssh.
So, why can’t you install lemmy? I’m going to assume you’re using ubuntu. If you are willing to swap to arch (which I think DO offers), I recommend it. Get an AUR helper installed (a bit of hassle, I like trizen) and install lemmy from AUR. You’ll need to bump the commit unless you like 0.17.3. I’ll be doing that tonight so I can post relevant bits. If not, post errors.
Or just keep doing containers so you can have weird and wonderful errors like no dns.
They can come visit me if they have something to say. Or email. I’ve invited them to XMPP and fedi many times and they’ve ignored it. I interpret this as them not wanting to talk to me.
This is exactly the sort of stuff we predicted way back then; this is why I’ve never touched this stuff.
They sound fun. I guess I’ll put an alt there.