Ducking autocorrect
Ducking autocorrect
I had a conversation with a friend from the US (I’m not, he’s from Like the New England area idk where exactly), he’s very conservatist, like the typical “I own a guy gun and I like it” type of person (lucky that he doesn’t base his entire personality on it), and even he said that both options sucked ass and very much envied that most of the European countries have a sensible system of voting that has more than two parties, since when one sucks go to the another, and the possibility of all candidates being absolutely trash is basically zero when you got like 7+ parties, compared to the two in the US
If y’all had a functioning government and something that resembles capitalism (a few leading members while everyone else gets fucked around, sounds similar? cough Meta, Google, Microsoft cough and others) and had some competition it would go all way different than it’s currently going
I like it across the road a bit more, you know, the fedora shop
Think about it, without the kids having a way to fact check everything they would have to believe whatever they say, and that leads to my favourite problem solving method, propaganda!
Now just finish off iMessage and we’re done (I’m talking about categorising it as a gatekeeper, since what I’ve recently noticed is the amount of people who are close to me (classmates, old friends) that switched to apple is growing rapidly, and I’m now waiting for a day someone will be confused as to why I can’t use iMessage (mark my words at least here in Czechia iPhone users are going to be a problem, I hope that the situation doesn’t end up like in the US)
Sad iMessage didn’t get categorised as a gatekeeper, even though in here, the absolute ass of Europe called Czechia the iPhone market share is just above 1/3 of all phones active (which if I remember is way higher than it used to be) I completely expect for this number to rise, since people buy for the brand, and these brain-dead people are the ones to use the default messaging service, thus I can’t wait to get shamed in 10 years for using my android phone and not being able to use iMessage
This, spez for example with his almighty great ideas paid himself $193 million last year, that’s more than I’ll ever see my whole life (thanks to me being born in this fuckhole called “Eastern Europe” (technically Central but who cares, it’s just as shitty in the countries more east))
Man, if we discover some cancer killing thing and a time machine that can go back it time the first thing I would do would be to help Steve Jobs get better, literally apple just got worse and worse when the “innovator” got replaced by the “logistics and finance” guy
Just look at how Steve did things, if he was confronted with this problem he would probably just do it android style and not screw over people like Timmy does
Except I live in central/eastern Europe and most of these people were android users
It definitely is just a brand thing and the fact they maybe bought a shitty budget phone and then went straight for the iPhone 11s/12s and thought “this is so good and android sucks”, because that’s just the fact the price is 4 times higher compared to the old phone
For example for the same price you can get a pixel 7 or an iPhone 12 (or an Samsung A54, S20 FE or a flip 3, which aren’t that great considering they are on sale currently, and I’m comparing this price to the normal prices of the other two), imo the pixel is a lot better value than the iPhone in that case
Also the retailer in question is czc.cz, probably the best retailer in Czechia for tech because others just focus on appliances or aren’t as good (but tbh they do quite suck since they just for some reason have crazy prices or don’t have some things other retailers here and around the world have)
Too bad when more and more people buy Apple phones for some reason, well at least where I live (which is the poorer part of central Europe), I have no idea how people can spend this kind of money for a 4 or 5 year phone, when you can buy something more capable for the same money and you will actually know it will get supported with updates for more than 2 years
Can’t wait for this to be more widespread in the future to the point iMessage will be the messaging standard
And maybe Ctrl Z/Y (depends on layout with this one) to Undo and Redo
14 year old PCs are quite capable for may everyday use
I got a core 2 duo (3gb of ram and a HDD as a boot drive, really ancient I know) computer, it’s the only computer I have and I absolutely hate it since it sucks, even with Linux (xfce as a desktop) it takes so long to boot (usually 3 to 4 minutes, windows took like 6 to 7) and not to mention it being so laggy it struggles with launching Firefox and for example a file browser at the same time, and loading a webpage also takes a long time (around 20 seconds for Google, YouTube about 30 s)
Yeah, these computers are really just unusable even for really lightweight work, yeah “upgrade to a SSD, it will be blazing fast”, wouldn’t that just speed up the boot time? The least important thing? Since like I can just walk somewhere and then come back before it boots, but when I’m waiting for a webpage to load or a program to load up it’s really that I do have to wait there, doing nothing in the meantime
Well it’s more correct than not having anything, and the sources are the data from before they removed them + the users with the extension disliking the video
I am on the poorer side and living in one of the central European countries (yeah I’m a teen)
I only have a core 2 duo desktop with 3 GB of ram and a laptop with a i5 also with 3gb of ram, both only HDD machines
The desktop now runs Linux, but because it has components even Intel doesn’t want to list on their website (the mobo) it runs it pretty poorly (also I bricked it somehow not run windows or any other usb install media, which is a big problem), the laptop runs windows 7 (it literally refuses to open the update utility I downloaded from MS’s website, so that’s that, two obsolete machines, that are absolutely horrendous to do anything with (not to mention my shitty 350$ phone is more powerful than both of them combined)
I was just referring to the homework folder stereotype, i wouldn’t be that stupid to do something like this
Best comment of the month award goes to you, genuinely made me chuckle
Yeah, and you don’t even have to use any software, you can just store it in a folder no one would care about, best hidden with a name resembling something boring no one would surely open
I installed Linux a few weeks ago and it was on Tuesday I wanted to add some programs I had installed (it was mGBA and melonDS) to my steam launcher, I went through the hassle of making a . desktop file for both of them (I was dumb and used a Ubuntu based distro, so it installed as a snap, which sucks hard on a hdd) and then it wouldn’t launch, I searched up again (I was using chatGPT for all of this, I asked it a lot how to do stuff, it’s like this was it’s purpose beacuse it always worked first try), did the chmod x+ command and then I was done
Just to see it not launch :/
This, that is the only feature I miss from mobile chromium browsers, but the addition of anyways dark mode with dark reader is outweighing it a little bit
What’s Kody? I’ve been thinking of getting a pc and setting up jellyfin on it and connect that to my tv, but I’ve never heard of Kody before