I hope I won’t need a lawyer after you do 😂
Okay, one thing for me to do then…
rad seed rad:z3SNcAzHydhWtfaFTiq9S643GQjYU
Done! :)
I think this model can reach Null Island from anywhere, doesn’t have to be Europe. Can’t wait to see what else it’s capable of. But kind of hoping it won’t murder me in my sleep.
I would put a simple “grep mail.log || curl ntfy.sh” or something like that. Ntfy can send you alert on the phone if some check failed or passed. For pass just use && :) Simple and it works.
This happens to me too sometimes. It usually fixes itself up when I clean the cache and remove all downloaded songs so it can update them.
Yeah better fit but a bit of trouble to setup… What’s your opinion on Icinga? Never used it myself.
There will always be people in both cases thinking they are entitled to the work of others. There will be nice people who do nice by others too, rarely but that happens. We live in a wonderful world and not being an a…hole about things makes it better.
Give https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma a try. I’m planning to do the same for similar use case. Sensu (sensu.io) is a more sophisticated option but it requires more infrastructure and there is a bit of a learning curve with it.
Very cool! Thanks, saw some things I didn’t know about.
You’re not dumb. Rust is a hard language to pick. Some people probably think I’m mocking it because I made this meme but I’m really not - I love Rust. I’m mocking us mere humans trying to cope with greatness 🤣And I’m looking forward to the time when I finally “graduate” and become more productive and experienced with Rust.