Let me preface this by saying I am a man, and smoked a little too much, so I’m sitting here thinking… what is or was the original purpose of a bra? Weight support? Vanity? Covering the nips so people’s eyes met your eyes and you can have a normal conversation? Like what’s it all about?

  • frustrated_phagocytosis
    759 months ago

    My titties hurt when they bounce too much during hormone shifts. Plus the nipples are really irritating in A/C when they stiffen and feel wormy (dunno how to describe, like a small boner demanding attention) and I also accidentally scratch them without a bra to cover them. Was especially important to have some sort of coverage when I had piercings in them because I almost tore one out brushing my hair. Never healed right after that.

    • KillingTimeItself
      28 months ago

      dunno how to describe, like a small boner demanding attention

      as a guy i would imagine it’s much like that weird stage between semi chub and flaccid where your dick is just annoyingly erect.

      Just kind of happens sometimes.