Illusion — Why do we keep believing that AI will solve the climate crisis (which it is facilitating), get rid of poverty (on which it is heavily relying), and unleash the full potential of human creativity (which it is undermining)?
Illusion — Why do we keep believing that AI will solve the climate crisis (which it is facilitating), get rid of poverty (on which it is heavily relying), and unleash the full potential of human creativity (which it is undermining)?
Who tf thinks ai will solve climate change? I’ve never heard that ever.
People selling AI certainly would like you to believe it’ll fix that and everything else that ails ya
Yeah this was more or less Ray Kruzweil’s take all the way back in 2005.
iirc, there were some statements from companies (Microsoft?) that we won’t have to worry about AI’s effect on climate change because it’ll also come up with the solutions
I got a mail about that from my union recently… I think they had some talks about it.
Unfortunately, COP28 is taking it seriously, seen here with “both sides” reporting from the NYT.
Same kind of people that think we can effectively pump enough CO2 out of the air, and other idiotic climate solution magic. Wishers that want to keep consumption at all time highs, basically.
I’ve heard that from plenty of people
I mean it’s good for predicting climate models, but it certainly uses a lot of power to do so, which is the main issue with AI.
Only if it changes laws of physics. Which I suppose could be in the realm of possibility, since none of us could outthink a ASI. I imagine three outcomes (assuming getting to ASI) - it determines that no, silly humans, the math says you’re too far gone. Or, yes, it can develop X and Y beyond our comprehension to change the state of reality and make things better in some or all ways. And lastly, it says it found the problem and solution, and the problem is the Earth is contaminated with humans that consume and pollute too much. And it is deploying the solution now.
I forgot the fourth, that I’ve seen in a few places (satirically, but could be true). The ASI analyses what we’ve done, tries to figure out what could be done to help, and then suicides itself out of frustration, anger, sadness, etc.
Literally Bill Gates.