As a medical user, I really hope she will stick to this if elected. Trump is doing more “leave it up to the states” bullshit except specifically for Florida and no other state.

      196 months ago

      Boy, if you had basic civics knowledge as to how a president in the executive branch cannot pass laws himself but requires the legislative branch (Congress) to pass said laws that he would back.

        46 months ago

        Actually the power of executive orders are very broad, and as of 2024, are beyond any limits of law. Official acts of a sitting president cannot be criminalized. He can absolutely order the FDA to immediately remove Marijuana from schedule 1 status, but he won’t. What carrot would Harris have to dangle in front of us at that point?

        For context, yes, I’m a dem, and yes, I’m voting for Harris, but fuck me I’m tired of such transparent posturing.

        • Queue
          46 months ago

          I’m voting for Harris since she’s below the age of 65 and a Democrat, that’s all I want.

          What I need is a president who uses the powers given to them by a corrupt SCOTUS to just say “you gave me this loaded gun, make sure you know where I’m going to point it” and then give us more rights than ever before.

          Ensured abortion. Better union rights. Prohibiting book bannings. Better protections for BIPOC and LGBTQ people. Ensuring voting doesn’t get limited due to state lines. Healthcare. Education. Taxing the rich.

          Are we going to get that? Never in a million years, we’ll see the end of the Republic before we see any president use their power grabbing for anything meaningfully good and not taking away rights of citizens.

          Harris could use it for good but probably won’t. Trump will use it for evil. That’s the honest truth.

      • Queue
        26 months ago

        We can give weapons to Israel without congressional approval, but not Ukraine.

        We can build a border wall violating federal laws, but we can’t have the DEA approve a plant.

        Seems weird how being unabashedly evil is bipartisan and the patriotic duty of the president and anything good the Democratic candidate has to promise they’ll try to work on Congress with, reaching across the isles of the literal actual fascists known as Republicans.

        -26 months ago

        Say what you will about the Republicans, at least they get results on their absurd culture war bullshit. Best the Dems can do for the left is ignore us completely and give us Tim Walz as a VP like we should be soooo fucking grateful