profane language is the word ‘fuck’.

this is not yelling ‘fuck’ at the top of your lungs, but more like ‘aah, fuck’, meaning why do things have to be this complicated? or, why didn’t coworker X did his job as he was supposed to? Why is this documentation not in order?

Have you ever been fired over this? reprimanded at work?

I use ‘fuck’ a lot, not to intimidate anyone, but each time something bothers me, I could as well use ‘come on!!’ but ‘fuck’ comes to me more naturally.

If I get a written warning, is this a reason good enough to start looking for employment elsewhere?

To those of you not in America. Is it different where you are?

  • I’m the Forman at my metal shop… If you’re not swearing in front of customers I don’t give a fuck.

    As long as you keep a cool head and pay attention to who’s in the building, I’ll let you get away with most things

      5 months ago

      Back when I worked pizza, that was the rule. But I was able to train myself, and neither the boss nor customers knew what “ОПА БЛЯТЬ!” meant when they heard it from the back of the shop lol.