Thanks for looking that up. That’s where my desktop file is located. And it has the X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true line. The settings panel does have a Startup Application tab, and that’s what I used. It created the .desktop file in the appropriate location.
According to the Arch Wiki you need to place the .desktop file in:
You also need to add the following line to the .desktop file:
But that’s probably the hard way to do it, I think the settings panel should also have a Startup Application tab.
Thanks for looking that up. That’s where my desktop file is located. And it has the
line. The settings panel does have a Startup Application tab, and that’s what I used. It created the .desktop file in the appropriate location.surprised_pikachu_face.jpeg
Check your journald and/or make your script log it’s actions.
Thank for your help. Upon looking at it again I noticed the one filepath that relied on my profile being loaded. Corrected that. Works now.
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