We are also changing how remote playback works for streaming personal media (that is, playback when not on the same local network as the server). The reality is that we need more resources to continue putting forth the best personal media experience, and as a result, we will no longer offer remote playback as a free feature. This—alongside the new Plex Pass pricing—will help provide those resources. This change will apply to the future release of our new Plex experience for mobile and other platforms.

  • Melmi
    4 days ago

    If anything is to blame for that, it’s the lack of momentum behind IPv6. We’re out of IPv4, so NAT is inevitable, and IPv6 doesn’t have enough inertia for single-stack to be viable (certainly wouldn’t be described as “no drama” at least).

    • Fluffy Kitty Cat
      44 days ago

      The fact that people still try to do bullshit like Nat on IPv6 is completely crazy. It’s like they’ve never heard of the idea of a stateful firewall and just want to recreate bad old patterns again, combine with the fact that many internet service providers still don’t allow you to host anything from your home connection. We need to fix all of that of an IPv6 first Network. Ipv4 is several layers of exhausted by now so it should be considered deprecated but for some reason isn’t

      • Melmi
        4 days ago

        A big part of IPv4’s persistence I think is that people insist that IPv6 is complicated, but then refuse to learn it or think outside their IPv4-brain. It’s just different enough that it’s easier to stay in v4, even if it requires a million hackjob fixes to keep around.

        • Fluffy Kitty Cat
          13 days ago

          I haven’t really messed around if the intricacies of computer networking but the only downside I personally encountered to use an IPv6 is that it’s a bit harder to memorize the IP addresses but I usually copy paste those anyways so it doesn’t matter. People use names for stuff anyways so why use bare ips?