Taken from the CompTIA IT Fundamentals Exam Guide book (2nd edition, published 2021). I’m not sure if they fixed this in newer versions, if at all.
Taken from the CompTIA IT Fundamentals Exam Guide book (2nd edition, published 2021). I’m not sure if they fixed this in newer versions, if at all.
Here’s some more excerpts from the book that I found amusing:
“Anti-establishment” isn’t the word I’d use, but I guess that fits.
That hasn’t been true since 2017.
Okay, I’ll admit this is good advice if we’re talking about “freeware”, but there’s also free/libre/open-source software, which has all of the benefits of freeware, and also gives you the freedom to read/mofify/share the source code, if you wish.
As for that “malware” you speak of, you might as well be describing Google Chrome.
Clearly, these people haven’t heard of VLC.
It actually stands for “coder/decoder”.
And that’s just one page…
Paid apps can also steal user data and also I’d be way way more concerned about ‘free’ mobile apps than open source programs.
Mobile apps can and will get a jarring amount of your data just for being installed.
Or the paid app doesn’t even exist. Carders now trade your credit card information. Achievement unlocked.
The “best-case scenario” is adware or malware. Someone didn’t get hugged as a child.