I tried looking into this myself but I couldn’t really find much about this error. The only solutions I could find didn’t work for me. The first one was to use mokutil but at the point where I was supposed to run sudo mokutil --import MOK.der
it gives me the error message “Failed to get file status, MOK.der” even though I did everything it told me to do. The other one was to disable secure boot and then run sudo '/sbin/vboxconfig'
but even though it looked like it worked, I’m still getting the error message. I have re-enabled secure boot, so you don’t have to worry about that.
Is there something else I can try or does VirtualBox not work in Linux Mint for some reason?
Then restart you machine. That normally needs to be done after installing virtualbox. See if it works.
I already restarted my computer twice after installing it, is there any reason I would have restart my computer a third time?
Ok then, it’s probably the dkms shitting the bed. Follow this
Is there something specific from that link that I’m supposed to use because I tired the top solution and it just gave me a bunch of error messages:
You didn’t clarify you were running the Oracle release of Virtualbox 7.0. I am running Virtualbox 7.0 on Linux Mint 21.2 without issue, but my computer is too old for EFI. Those instructions are for the community release, which has the components of virtualbox split into separate packages.
I don’t have any good answers for you, but I would recommend you update your post to include the fact that you’re running Oracle’s packages, and the version of Linux Mint you’re using.
When you say other packages, what are you referring to? If you are referring to downloading the package directly from their website verses just installing it through apt using Mint’s repository, I have done both and I have the same issue with both of them.