• It's A Faaaahhkeah!
    411 year ago

    Look if your tv show isn’t airing anywhere, isn’t on a streaming service or can’t be physically bought, then it’s up for grabs.

    • meseek #2982
      81 year ago

      This is sort of where I draw the line on ethical piracy. Some countries and people go to great lengths to prohibit the viewing or listening of their movies, shows and songs. Whatever. It’s your right I guess. I just don’t get it personally. To be so restrictive for something is now free. The work was done, so now it’s just about enjoyment and quality of life.

      As a basic human being, I think we should all want to make life better. For us. For everyone.

      So along those lines, if you’re blacklisting my country because some guy didn’t get what he wanted or whatever government level bullshit you peddle, then yeah, time to unfurl my Jolly Roger!