Come on, prisons are over populated as it is, if that happens then you me and everyone here are fucked.
I post shitty jokes, say dumb shit and post stupid AI images.
I may or may not be an idiot, still working that out.
Come on, prisons are over populated as it is, if that happens then you me and everyone here are fucked.
You need to upgrade man, mine run at 420fps on balanced mode.
Look if your tv show isn’t airing anywhere, isn’t on a streaming service or can’t be physically bought, then it’s up for grabs.
Just wait till you break it to buy a new one, if you’re lucky you’ll be able to hold on to your phone long enough that it will feel like an actual upgrade instead just being new.
Yeah because all we really need is something to focus our rage at.
When ever I used to have issues with my internet I used to use news.com.au as a test to see if the issue was fixed, if that site loaded than anything would.
That’s not how you help someone use a computer!
Where’s the “pauses to slowly exhale out your nose to calm yourself”? where’s the " move the mouse to the icon in the centre, the centre of the screen, the cen… that’s not the centre that’s the left side… I know it’s in the middle tho… THE CENTER OF THE SCREEN… THERE! THAT ONE *taps screen erratically*"?
Jokes on you spez I get off on that shit.
Yours doesn’t?
He’s totally fine.
Yeah, I don’t think totally fine would be an apt description of someone who willing shoved 217 COVID shots into himself.
It’s a direct quote from Tim Cook.
Say the sentence like a spoilt child whose just gotten in trouble and it makes more sense.
It’s running android 13 according to their Indiegogo page.
White hat dude is definitely a demon attempting to blend into public for the first time, look at those eyes.
Yeah but I’m not going around boasting that I can.
What do you think woke it up?
You’d think they would have worked on the spoiler one first, slightly more important than making your text look interesting.
You had to bring up the coconuts…
Yeah. I shouldn’t be able to lay in bed, stoned AF and bet on dog racing in a country I’ll never visit.
The Tesla Cybertruck washcloth:
Would quotes fall under fair use or copyright infringement?