Please don’t force Linux onto people, it’ll only make them hate it.
I assume they are installing it with their approval…
I’ve installed Linux on my old family PC. It’s been two years and they haven’t noticed.
What a madlad.
With consent is perfectly fine, yeah
dw consent comes first🥵🥵 their machine, their choice (until the manufacturer has their saying, that is)I’ve noticed a lot of people are moving to it on there own.
So far I’ve switched 4 people to Linux (with approval and interest obviously, plus unlimited tech support lol). 3 are happier with it than Windows and the other liked Linux but had to switch back to Windows due to some audio production software they needed.
It’s also secretly been an experiment to see what distro is the most user friendly. I have one on Linux Mint, one on Debian, and the other on Fedora Silverblue. All three have been great, but I think the winner is Silverblue so far. I don’t love how quick Silverblue versions become EoL, but it’s also the distro with the easiest updater. It’s an Apple level of simplicity; click update, restart at some point, done. No scary package lists or changelogs, just a nice blue button to press.
Also Flatpak + Flathub continues to be a huge contributor in making Linux friendly to normal people, in my opinion.
Id really love to get my mom on Silverblue but she refuses to use Libreoffice.
Office 2023 is a little jank in WINE unfortunately 😞
She’d be such an easy candidate otherwise, she only needs office, email, and Internet and loves the Thinkpad I gave her.
The browser versions aren’t too awful, if that’s an option.
Its way worse than Libreoffice tbh. They removed random stuff like pagination.
Just tell her to get gud and start using ViM for everything
That would explain why her tea is always cold. She doesn’t want to risk losing work by leaving without saving but gets stuck in Insert mode.
What about onlyoffice? The UI is a lot more modern which is probably the issue right?
The issue I’ve run into is primarily compatibility with existing documents and being able to share it with other in industry. Like it or not, for business in the US, the office suite is pretty much the only document & spreadsheet application you can expect everyone to have.
It’s not fair to ask people who aren’t interested in learning linux to deal with the incompatibilities between Libre/Open office and O365 because “I don’t like Microsoft”. If they’re pushing to move away from MS and understand this, I’d still probably recommend LibreOffice over OpenOffice because moving someone from a well maintained industry standard Microsoft product to a less supported and less compatible Oracle app seems irresponsible.
Edit: The whole second paragraph is about OpenOffice and not OnlyOffice. Please disregard
OnlyOffice not OpenOffice
Thank you! It appears I cannot read
I’ve got ZorinOS 17 running on a laptop I share with my partner. Her initial reaction was “what is this?” but now that she’s used to it, she’s been happy.
Silverblue looks quite interesting, I might give it a go in a VM. As long as it kinda looks like Windows it shouldn’t be too hard of a transition
Cool, agree on Fedora Atomic but you cant dualboot which is a huge problem for many.
A person I know has an education in basically Adobe software. Completely insane but this is a thing.
I am fascinated by your user friendliness experiment and I often daydream about conducting one myself. I would be interested in reading a more detailed write-up of the advantages and disadvantages of each option.
For Debian, did you consider setting up unattended upgrades?
Would you consider adding an RHEL/CentOS derivative such as AlmaLinux to the mix? The current version of AlmaLinux is supposed to be supported until 2032. The EPEL repository brings the software selection a little bit closer to Fedora.
I’d also consider CentOS Stream for desktop use, as it’s probably a good mix between Fedora and RHEL, being more stable than Fedora and more up-to-date than RHEL.
If I recall silver blue needed you to choose the new default at boot ( after uograde). is it still like that? if so I’d go with OpenSUSE GNOME, you get and update notice on the top notice bar , click update and packages install. Reboot defaults to latest snapshot
Yes that way they’re trapped and need you for tech support, classic move.
These days installing Linux and upgrading it is easier than it was years ago. Installing Linux can be a good deed indeed :)
If you use modern and painless distro.models. I had a Fedora Atomic bug and the alternative was literally just rebasing to the same OS but automatically the same version and it worked.
I love Linux and I think a lot of my non-technical family members would benefit from it, but I am not as brave as you. The danger with messing around with someone’s computer is that you are basically taking ownership of all tech problems the person may run into. It’s like the “You break it, you buy it” rule. The person may seek help from another tech geek, but as soon as that geek finds out they’re dealing with a “weird” Linux system, they’re going to run away from it. You are effectively volunteering to be 24x7 on-call tech support for the people whose laptops you’ve installed Linux on.
(not even a) hot take: if they think a Linux system is weird, they are not a real tech geek.But yeah, that is why I only install extremely stable stuff. So that I am basically never asked for shit
That’s a gatekeeper-y take. I tried Linux a few years back, so I guess I became a “real” tech geek a few years ago. Never mind the fact that I was 3/4 the way through a CS degree, I’d built my own computer, and was the go-to tech guy in my family. But nope, not yet a tech geek.
If you are gonna have to be anyway, it may as well be one you can run bash scripts on over ssh
Yeah, I’m not sure what OP is on about or how they get away with it. I’d get phone calls for how to use outlook and MS word. I’m fortunate to have a fairly tech literate grandma, but she is old, which means set in her ways. She probably could use Linux, but she would not see the point in putting in the effort to switch habits.
I usually just mention it. I don’t give to many details and before you know it they will need tech support.
This person here is doing the Lord’s work. Thank you, OP, and have a great day.
If I did this they wouldn’t be my loved ones for long…
It is really important that those loved ones understand your language, or else they would get annoyed.
How does this work?? This is a mastodon post but it appears on Lemmy?
OP tagged Linux in the post and that specific tag actually links to ! resulting in the Mastodon post being posted to the community
They both use the ActivityPub protocol, this means that Lemmy and Mastodon can communicate with each other.
Yes, the question was how specifically this worked, think I have understood
That’s nearly as helpful as if you have sent a link to the internet’s wiki page
Very helpful link, appreciate it.
whoops I did it again.@alpinelinux as a single-boot daily driver for a #windows user with some past @ubuntu experience
I usually install MX or LMDE. MX KDE and LMDE Cinnamon on newer machines. MX xfce and LMDE xfce on older machiness.
@krisfreedain @linux
probably not the right person to ask. I always go for Fedora but am open to hear non-Ubuntu-based alternatives for beginners@krisfreedain @linux
I started from Ubuntu in high school and it felt bloated. I moved to Void which was nice, but not really supported in general. I started recommending Fedora to beginners but started using Alpine as my daily driver. Don’t think I will ever move from Alpine, but maybe I will recommend something other than Fedora in the future.