I’m not sure where to post the code, I don’t want to make anyone irritated, but I need legit help with my SQL. Is this the right place? If not, what is the right community?
Maybe this !learn_programming@programming.dev.
Your here now already, ask your question.
I didn’t know which post to reply to, so here goes: with one as (select top 1 field1, replace(field2_html,‘’‘"]|([‘’"]).?\1)*>’, ‘’) as comments_html, field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8 from tablea where comments_html !=’ '),
two as (select field1, field2 as html_clean, charindex(‘<’,field2_html) as a, charindex(‘>’,field2_html) as b, field3, field4, field5, fied6, field7, field8
from one)select * into #temp8 from two
create table #RUdestinationtable (field1 int, comments_2 varchar(max), field3 varchar(300), field4 varchar(50), field5 varchar(300), field6 varchar(300), field7 varchar(300), field8 varchar(150))
while (select count(1) from #temp8 where substring(html_clean,a,b) is not null)>0 begin insert into #RUdestinationtable select distinct field1,replace(html_clean, substring(html_clean,a,b),‘’) as comments_2,field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8 from #temp8 end
select * fromRUdestinationtable
The mantra from IRC and all over the internet for decades!
Don’t ask to ask, just ask. If its the wrong place, you’ll be told.
I worked in a place with an internal chat program. Some people would just say “hello”, waiting for you to respond before they ask their question.
Of course you’re not going to respond to that until you know what they want. So you just don’t respond cuz there’s nothing to say. Oh the fun we had.
I’m now an official expert in " waiting for people to send the second message after hello "
Ask away but we’re likely going to need to see the table structure unless it’s really generic
Edit: forgot a
This is not the place. You want to find a place specific in coding or sql.
Did you try searching all communities for sql?