Ubuntu, I wanted to go Debian but the installation wanted an ethternert connection to get that accomplished and I didn’t know that/think that far ahead
Ubuntu, I wanted to go Debian but the installation wanted an ethternert connection to get that accomplished and I didn’t know that/think that far ahead
I always thought it was “tows” lol
Local area code-867-5309. I use it everywhere.
I use it everywhere, I have got rewards all over the place, I don’t claim the ones I don’t know though because I feel like ‘Lynn’ with the same numer might need it more than me.
How do you find a recruiter though? The one time I had one reach out on LinkedIn, it was a scam.
I get every week or so, but every day is just way too much. I’m a big kid, that’s what you hired me for, let me work.
Wait, I’m confused. How are Mozilla and Firefox different? I thought what ever Mozilla decides goes…granted, I’m out of the loop.
I’m part of this club too :(
At this point I try to disregard anything that I can tell is SEO generated though, I wonder how many more feel like me.
I’m still wanting the “marked as read” option though, I’m not a huge fan of having to vote on everything.
Absolutely no capitalization? That always makes me back away. You can’t even be bothered to make a proper sentence?
Honestly, when I got my first Ubuntu install disk and got everything up and running, it was the default browser. I just never looked back.
I didn’t know which post to reply to, so here goes: with one as (select top 1 field1, replace(field2_html,‘’‘"]|([‘’"]).?\1)*>’, ‘’) as comments_html, field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8 from tablea where comments_html !=’ '),
two as
(select field1, field2 as html_clean, charindex(‘<’,field2_html) as a, charindex(‘>’,field2_html) as b, field3, field4, field5, fied6, field7, field8
from one)
select * into #temp8 from two
create table #RUdestinationtable (field1 int, comments_2 varchar(max), field3 varchar(300), field4 varchar(50), field5 varchar(300), field6 varchar(300), field7 varchar(300), field8 varchar(150))
while (select count(1) from #temp8 where substring(html_clean,a,b) is not null)>0 begin insert into #RUdestinationtable select distinct field1,replace(html_clean, substring(html_clean,a,b),‘’) as comments_2,field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8 from #temp8 end
select * fromRUdestinationtable
I think so? I don’t remember now. I tried a few different ways and it came down to needing the ethernet connection so I bailed. Granted, I probably should have spent more than an hour on problem solving but I had a family hollering for me to go do stuff with them.