Peters’ segment, from a 50-minute video targeting multiple LGBTQ+ families, did not just featured insults and false accusations against Rolón, but also uncensored views of his children’s faces and their home.
Scumbag anti-gay asshole should be going to jail for this shit.
see? This guy here knows how to insult (see my other comment)
Doxxing people is a fucking terrible thing to do. Doing it to minors is even worse. You wouldn’t want to be in the same room as me if I were the doxxee, that’s for sure.
Right-wing Christians are obsessed with sexual deviance.
It is how the whole thing began (Adam and Eve eating forbidden fruit analogy), and sexual deviance pervades Christian culture and is seen as a strength in Christian leaders (why they love Trump, or defend pedophile priests).
As such, they see sexual deviance everywhere, lots of places where it doesn’t exist, but they imagine it must because it’s an obsession, fuelled by anger, in every spare moment of their thought.
I don’t think that argument makes a lot of sense. If sexual deviance was seen as a primary definition for strength then gay people would be seen as a strong group to be emulated. It seems far more likely that it’s simple in groups vs out groups and the traditional rules for thee but not for me playing out. And certain kinds of sexual deviance is an easy way to define an out group.
Along perhaps with projection based on priests continually being proven to be the exact sort of homosexual groomer pedophiles they claim to be most afraid of. Something like “if our ‘influencers’ are this bad, the other sides influencers must be worse”.
There’s an interesting book called “Compromising Positions”
Aka the Kamasutra
Foucault’s History of Sexuality has a section on the church
pervert homo
God, the right is so brain dead they can’t even insult people properly.
If you’re going to insult someone, at least be creative. For instance, I could call OP a ‘slack-jawed pigeon fucker’ (no offense OP), and he would be stunned. Mission accomplished. This guy pretty much called the man a big poopy head.
Modern art is dead.
If Stew Peters was creative, he wouldn’t be a Republican pundit. His job is to regurgitate talking points and be hateful.
Sounds like some good old fashioned closeted christian projecting to me.
I recently began rewatching Parks & Rec and this guy is totally Marshall Langman
and I am figuring out the best way to do that.”
Sue them into bankruptcy for slander and into a cell for child endangerment because of the doxxing. There is no quarter for these scumbags because they will not stop.
Somebody search this man’s hard drives
Glad he has been forced to do so.
Technically, not forced. They sent him a C&D letter, which is basically threatening to sue if he leaves it up. It’s not legally binding or anything, he could choose to ignore it. They’d have to get a court order to actually force him to take it down. I’m glad for this family that it worked, but there’s no greater justice here.