The motive behind Jovanovic’s actions was reportedly her fear that motherhood would jeopardise her professional career as a lawyer for a prestigious car brand.

      8 months ago

      Sounds pretty awful, but remember that prosecutors don’t have ESP. So “prosecutors claim she didn’t want to jeopardize her career” is not the same as “she didn’t want to jeopardize her career”.

      It’s not like she wrote in her diary “Today I killed my newborn because I thought it would interfere with work.”

  • Hegar
    808 months ago

    This just sounds like post partum depression to me.

    • Jimmybander
      178 months ago

      I can’t even begin to understand what it’s like inside a woman’s brain after childbirth. My wife struggled through it and came out ok. I’m glad I could help her.

      • Hegar
        98 months ago

        That’s definitely how I try to be! 😊

    518 months ago

    As fucked up as this is, there’s so little information given by this article that I can’t even form an opinion on it.

    148 months ago

    Hmmm. It looks like Germany has fairly strict limits on the availability of abortion; it’s on-demand up to 12 weeks, but requires mandatory counseling first. It seems like perhaps expanding abortion access to on-demand up to the point of realistic fetal viability and eliminating the counseling requirement might–might–have led to a different outcome here.

    I wonder if she had attempted to terminate her pregnancy prior to this point?

    For the people saying that she should have just adopted the infant: that’s extremely difficult for someone to do, even if they know that they don’t want a child or are not capable of caring for it. I’ve seen multiple teens end up keeping children that they didn’t plan on, didn’t want, and had no means to care for, all because they couldn’t go through with an adoption in the end.

      98 months ago

      The government has called up an expert committee and asked for their opinion on potential reforms.

      The report came in April, and it strongly suggests making it actually legal in the first 12 weeks (it is currently only decriminalized) and getting rid of the mandatory counseling. They leave it up to the lawmakers to deal with week 12 to 22 (where the fetus starts being able to sustain itself).

      The government has not yet started on n implementing this, however.

  • nifty
    128 months ago

    Please give your children up for adoption instead, what the fuck

    118 months ago

    We need to make it so women don’t have to feel this way…I thought Germany was fairly progressive like that, but obviously not enough.

    • Kalkaline
      158 months ago

      You can give someone access to all the help they need, but if they don’t seek it out, there’s not much you can do about it. It sounds like post partum depression may have played a role, that is real, but you can’t force someone into treatment.

      48 months ago

      I hope you’ll agree with me that there are alternatives before throwing your newborn baby off the window as if it was a fucking napkin.

      Even abandoning it in front of a church is more humane than what this bitch did.

        138 months ago

        Don’t know this lady’s story. But post natal psychosis is a real tragic thing that can happen. This isnt the action of someone possessing their faculties.

        Why when abortion is available would you carry to term -and then so impulsively act? If for whatever reason she didn’t want the baby and couldn’t get the abortion, she had months to come up with a better plan than ‘throw it out a window’. Either she was undiagnosed with something the whole time, or the birth triggered a psychological episode imo.

        -68 months ago

        Yes, she’s obviously seriously disturbed, but the situation of women either having a career or family is the driver behind her actions. There needs to be systematic support so women can have the same opportunities as men.

          58 months ago

          Apparently the career narrative is something the prosecutors put forward. She yeeted the baby just a few minutes after giving birth, there was something else going on here. If she was clear of mind and still wanted to kill the baby because of her career I’m sure this would not have been the first option.

      8 months ago

      Interesting take. I wonder if the headline was:

      “New Father and former Porsche Executive Throws Newborn Off Balcony”

      Your first thoughts would be how the system failed him and that Germany needs to do more to support fathers.

        58 months ago

        It is a bit depressing how many guys in this thread don’t understand what pregnancy and childbirth can do to someone. Side effects may include: suicidal and homicidal urges. Google Postpartum Psychosis and Postpartum Depression.

        Everyone is asking but why didn’t she act in a sane way and give it up for adoption? Well, there are good odds she needed something prescribed to her to allow her to be sane. Pregnant people’s bodies are undergoing major chemical changes, labor opens the floodgates. Which is why it is very important to make it easy and stigma free to let everyone out of the queue who does not want to ride the ride, and make healthcare accessible to those that do.

          48 months ago

          Their point is to call out the sexist take in feigning sympathy for a child murderer when we all know the world wouldn’t do that shit if it was a man.

                08 months ago

                Lmfao when men have to go through childbirth and have post partum depression then you’ll have a point.

                Until then, have fun winning arguments you made up in the shower you goof.

                  -18 months ago

                  Men can go through those things.

                  And what about women who never have children?

                  What a terrible argument you’ve presented.

    108 months ago

    Let’s set aside motive and treat this woman’s obvious problem with her mental health. The last thing she needs is criminal proceedings and punishment that achieves nothing apart from getting conservative dicks hard.

    108 months ago

    I’m not sure she’s actually wrong in the part about it Jeopardizing her career, because let’s face it sometimes that’s true. However did that not occur to her before she had the child? Surely she should have known that and not had a kid if that was her main priority.

    • Queen HawlSera
      08 months ago

      Or, she’s a lawyer for a luxury car company…

      So hire a god damn nanny?

  • Melody Fwygon
    98 months ago

    This is horrifying. Unfortunately this is a problem because most countries do not allow abortion after a certain period of pregnancy; and there is oftentimes no exceptions to this that isn’t “a Rape charge on someone they might have slept with.”

    This means that certain women can get “stealth-ed” by someone1 and not realize they’re pregnant until they’re too late past the abortion deadline because of their biology and inexperience with being pregnant. It’s also random and uncommon enough that authorities and lawmakers do not make accommodations for this situation.

    1 - This also includes other situations such as uncommon birth control failures.

    In this case; anti-abortion laws are intended to be cruel.

    Unfortunately, women who are unknowingly pregnant also can’t get help. I think it’s likely the woman did not know she was pregnant until some point nearing the birth in the 8th or 9th month. If you’re a woman who isn’t native to the country, don’t know it’s laws, don’t know where to get help and stuck on a business trip or company provided residency visa; I could see how easily one could be quite panicked.

    I don’t think she did the right thing. Unfortunately it’s a rare case of some grey areas which too often we tend to treat like a black area of wrong.

      8 months ago

      This was a lawyer for a huge corporation… of anyone on the planet are you implying she just lacked access to an abortion? This woman is the most socially able example you could imagine…

      I am extremely pro-choice. That implies a choice of a woman over her body. Not a choice to murder a born and living person, just cause of the situation or someone’s thought processes.

      It may be hard to understand for people who think a mass of cells that would die without the mother living is an independent person who deserves to live regardless of if it kills the mother…

      But I got to say you are doing a disservice to what pro-choice means.

      Feels weird attaching pro-choice positions to a rich woman who threw a baby out the window instead of giving it up for adoption. That’s a disservice to the argument that poor people should have a choice in the first place.

      8 months ago

      To be fair, while abortion is technically not legal in Germany there are various allowances that essentially make it legal with restrictions. It is also for the most part less controversial than for example the united states. As for the restrictions: permitted within the first 12 weeks, after an advisement appointment with a doctor and a 3 day consideration period. For women with low income the mandatory health insurance covers the procedure, the restrictions also do not apply in cases of rape or health risk to the mother.

      I guess what I am saying is that the woman really had no excuse not to have an abortion or give birth and then give up the child for adoption. Fucking heinous crime, especially for something as mundane as what sounds like a mid level bureaucrat job.

    • I wonder if it was regret so much as a perinatal mood disorder or even postpartum psychosis. Very very sad. Until there’s evidence supporting the claim I think it’s best to give the benefit of the doubt.

      8 months ago

      There’s also women that simply end up not loving their baby and society pressuring them to be happy can lead them to be miserable and to take bad decisions like in this case. People need to start feeling comfortable talking about that because it’s more common than some people would like to believe and these women should feel comfortable considering adoption even if it wasn’t their plan when they got pregnant.

      Even trying to look for articles on the subject is pretty much impossible in English while I find more info in my first language…

      38 months ago

      While all that is definitely reasonable, it’s a pretty big leap from “the law prevented me from getting an abortion” to “I’mma just yeet this baby out the window.”

      Those ideas are so far apart as to not even remotely justify one another, right?

      Like, if someone gets cut off in traffic, and they get mad and mow down a dozen pedestrians, it’d be insane to be like, “Well, you have to understand, he got cut off real bad. Mowing down pedestrians is clearly wrong, but there’s definitely some real grey area there.”

        8 months ago

        Pregnancy and birth normally is traumatic and fucks you up. Your brain is doing wild things chemically and drowning in hormones, that sometimes actually push people into a temporary insanity. People with postpartum psychosis can become violent to themselves and others, hallucinate, have delusions, etc. It happens ~2 out of 1,000 births. And is more likely if the person had an untreated mental health problem beforehand. Getting angry that somebody cut you off is not a medical thing. Psychosis 10 minutes after labor usually is.

          38 months ago

          Fair, and if the guy I responded to was saying that this was a grey area due to PP psychosis, I would have just agreed.

          But he was making the case that this was a grey area due to the abortion laws forcing her to give birth. That’s a much different stance, and the one I was replying to.

            48 months ago

            But they’re not really disconnected? Sometimes abortion is the treatment for PPP and PPD. I know people don’t want to hear it. But it is true. Some people are not equipped to handle the pregnancy and birth, and to stay sane they need the out. Any barriers you put between them and their treatment makes these events more likely to happen.

            There was an American woman-whose name I forget but doubtless others will remember, who under the pressure of her fundamentalist christian husband kept having kids, and had PPD after each, and it was worse every time. She had counseling, she had anti-psychotics, her episodes were documented, but she was in an environment where she was pressured to carry to term. With her last pregnancy her PPD gave her religious delusions that her children were going to end up in Hell so she drown them all in a bathtub to save their souls. Pregnancy can be fraught on a healthy and willing person, what kind of pressure do you think it puts on someone who isn’t?