It’s always funny how when it’s a democratic politician found guilty, everyone agrees it’s fair and right. When it’s a Republican, it’s a witch hunt for half of the country.
Shit, I’m struggling to remember the last time they let it get as far as a guilty conviction or plea for a congressional Republican
Hastert? No, that Duncan Hunter dude. Who was — of course — pardoned by trump.
And I’m struggling to remember a time when one wasn’t convicted every other week!
That dude who literally lied through his teeth the whole campaign? House member?
As an actual leftist, I hope they throw the book at him. Politicians should not be above the law.
You…you mean he doesn’t have immunity for “official acts?” Shouldn’t they appeal this to SCOTUS?
Emphatic /s.
Accepting bribes clearly relates to official acts. That’s what they’re paying him for!
It doesn’t matter anymore if he takes the money after.
Samesies and thank you.
I hope they throw the book at him. Politicians should not be above the law.
If we don’t stamp out corruption we could end up like the countries in the world where it’s particularly damaging, to most everyone’s daily life. Certainly there’s plenty already but not yet to the extent elsewhere.
Politicians should NEVER be ABOVE the Law unless they’re Republican in Which Case they should be able to LITERALLY KILL AMERICANS AND US SERVICEMEN with immunity!
I See what you Did There.
Good! Now if only Supreme Court Justices also had to face legal scrutiny. Oh, and presidents, too, pretty please.
I love that this guy finally went down. He’s been a stain on the US for years now. Everyone paying attention knew he was crooked as fuck but he got off on a hung jury last time for some reason.
It’s always pissed me off how Franken got kicked out for a gag. But Bob got to stay while everyone knew he was a crook.
Should’ve switched parties if he wanted to escape consequences
Well this wasn’t his first corruption charge and dems didn’t try to force him out for that first charge.
So glad this dickwad won’t be my senator much longer
Luck you, his son will still be my congressman 😒
My sincerest condolences
How brazen do you have to be to get convicted of bribery as a congresscritter? If he had just had a fundraising dinner with $500k plates he’d have been totally fine, but no he went with stuffing gold bars into his clothes. It just shows how these people think that consequences are for other people.
Time to rally to his defense and call anyone who questions his morality an enemy of America doing a witchhunt.
Just kidding, the Left doesn’t do that because we’re not fucking cultists who don’t believe in rule of law.
Shoulda got judge Aileen Cannon.
I thought corruption was part of the tri state DNA, how else can you do business there?
Don’t get caught. It’s the arrogance that gets you.
Fucking good. Everyone needs to be held accountable, and nobody is above the law.
His true mistake was not being president while he did these crimes.
Good. Fuck what side you’re on.
Awesome! Now let’s get his nepo baby out of congress before he can cause (more?) damage.
Gonna feel weird in November to vote for someone (Kim) for once, instead of just against whoever is worse.