For now, pretty much unfortunately. Once oil demand drops the ME will be less of a priority for the US, but then will have to contend with the Israel lobby which won’t go down easy.
For now, pretty much unfortunately. Once oil demand drops the ME will be less of a priority for the US, but then will have to contend with the Israel lobby which won’t go down easy.
You’re right that most Americans don’t care about this and, to the extent they do the pro-Israel group has more resources and have it as a higher political priority. On the other hand the pentagon and state dept definitely see it as a security issue. They see a highly militarized Israel as an asset as a detterent and an insurance policy if things pop off in the ME. This is the conventional wisdom, but it’s far from controversial if it’s the best policy given that Arab forces refuse to fight on the same side as the Israelis, and modern US war stategy calls for using local indigenous forces they prop up. Overall the US will never except not having a strong military presence in the ME (atleast until oil demand drops in the coming decades when renewables become very cheap) and Israel is one of the ways they achieve this.
Edit: for some reason I said far from controversial, but I meant it is controversial.
Typically it means there is no criminal offense to prosecute. It turns it into the equivalant of a speeding ticket.
Ah I get what you’re saying, I think the smart money would have been to lie about whether she smoked weed. Could have avoided all of this lol.
I do see that Nashville had decriminalized it in 2016, but it’s kinda weird since the article I posted definitely acts like it was still criminalized in 2020. I can’t find where the chief of police says anything about it being decriminalized, in the article he just says
“I agree that General Funk, as District Attorney, has the authority to determine what cases to prosecute,” Chief Anderson said. “Marijuana possession remains a violation of Tennessee law, and we cannot be in a position of telling our officers to begin ignoring lawful statutes passed by the legislature. Nashville police officers continue to be encouraged to use their discretion in carrying out their duties, as guided by MNPD policy.”
Maybe a bad article or it had be recriminalized?
FYI it’s pretty normal for DA’s to juat say were not gonna prosecute a crime. This is just the first result when I searched for examples with weed:
Also if she has trouble countering lies, she’ll get smoked by Trump so prep is really important here.
I don’t think there’s anything special that Gabbard did in that debate to make Kamala selfdestruct. She just asked her about the laughing about smoking weed after locking people up for smoking weed. Kamala had no answer prepared and in general isn’t great at thinking on her feet. Kamala’s prep needs to be better this time, otherwise it could be a repeat of the dem debates which could be catastropic in a close race.
I don’t see a ton of value to a Fox and NBC debate. ABC and even CNN at this point are considerably less biased.
Yeah I remember this one. The “intelligence dossier” was just the same claims Israel was making publicly without additional evidence. Now maybe it’s all true, but clearly most media outlets implied there was stronger evidence than actually existed. UK’s Channel 4 was the exception.
Original Channel 4 video which shows the actual dossier which is just a list of the people Israel was accusing: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tqG2yeF_4sg
Kind of an interesting conundrum. What comes out in the trial will likely look bad on the US, mainly the tourture, but the plea deal could be a liability for the current admin, since they’d be accused of being soft on terrorism.
ETA: Plus more could come out about the security failures of 9/11 which could be pretty embarrassing to the US.
Not sure about Canada specifically, maybe you could shed some light, but the US president has a lot more power than in a typical parlimentary system. This is typically why it’s seen as essential that they are voted in directly. Would the US be better under a parlimentary system? Very valid debate.
Yeah, I’m not sure how reliable their final predicitons will be, but they’re definitely still useful for compiling polls, and their pollster ratings are useful since they only have to look at how close polls came to being correct after the actual vote. That’s primarily what I use them for.
Overall the polls have been encouraging for her, but that MI one look really wrong. 538 has her about down a point on average.
Probably need a lower profile than that to get away with pump and dumps.
That’s not what you originally said though. Deadline is September 1st in Ohio.
So in the scenario that he is the VP and they win, a democrat would be appointed to the senate, but instead of the seat being up in 2028 in a presidental general election year the seat would be up in an off election year with a democratic president (2026). I’m not sure this is wise in terms of keeping the senate.
At a tense meeting with Sharon’s foreign policy adviser, Danny Ayalon, the British ambassador, Sherard Cowper-Coles, warned the offensive was a “major strategic mistake” that was undermining support for Israel among its allies.
If only this were true and there was any line Israel could cross to lose the support of western nations.
Well Ohio Repblicans were the ones who changed the law, they have a supermajority in OH state congress. I have a feeling going with a virtual roll call has more to do with keeping the DNC less newsworthy since it’ll have a ton of protests over Palestine.
Not long afterward in June, however, the Ohio Legislature passed a bill that would extend the state’s certification deadline until Sept. 1, allowing the DNC to go forward as originally scheduled.
Always read the article before you post it folks.
For the most part I agree that in the long term Israel has not been super helpful to US interests. The people running our society had their veiws of foriegn policy formed in the 70s and this is the result.
In general they only fight Hamas and Hezbollah, 2 groups that they created with their invasions. The only thing I can think of is their intelligence operations against Iran, but it’s not clear why they need to be the ones to do it.