The bitch caved.
Edit: Harris has racked up some serious fucking wins. I hope she can keep this up. That they are debating on her terms after trump pulled his bullshit is utterly humiliating. She fucking owned him.
The Art of the Deal: Lose constantly, but keep telling everyone you won
The fart of the meal
The Blart of the peel
The Shart of the Heel
And lied while doing it, imagine that:
“I think it’s very important to have debates, and we’ve agreed with Fox on a date of September 4. We’ve agreed with NBC. Fairly full agreement subject to them on September 10. And we’ve agreed with ABC on September 25,” the former president said. … An ABC source was confident that the network’s debate would be the first one between Trump and the vice president, as the Harris campaign has indicated she will not agree to the Fox News debate.
A source familiar with the NBC negotiations said September 25 was “one of the dates” given to the campaigns. While the network has been in discussions with both camps, the Harris campaign has not formally accepted.
The use of both “we’ve agreed” in the first sentence, and “subject to them” in the third makes me believe he means we == Trump campain and them == Harris campaign. So lying liar though he is, I don’t read that as him claiming Harris agreed to a Fox debate.
You’re right about use of “we” and “them”, and right that he doesn’t claim Harris has agreed to fox.
But that next sentence:
Fairly full agreement subject to them on September 10.
Says “I’m only doing it if she does fox first”
It’s so hilariously obvious what he’s doing, too! “We also want a debate on Fox on the 4th.”
So you can get her on your turf, have Fox attack her, and then claim because of some bullshit reason that her behavior on the 4th means you won’t do the one on the 10th? Fuck that. No more playing children’s games.
You lose! Good day sir!
You’re an inhuman monster!
What are you, my driver’s license?
I don’t think he has.
He’s trying to make it sound like all 3 dates are agreed by both sides, but Harris hasn’t agreed to fox. When she doesn’t show he can decline sept 10th.
Wearing his favorite John Wayne Gacy style rape shirt
The headline is a bit misleading. Trump agreed to the ABC debate if Harris agrees to the Fox debate.
This is just a ploy for him to either get Harris to show up on Fox, or if she doesn’t debate him on Fox, spin it in such a way that Harris is somehow not wanting to debate him (Even though she never agreed to a Fox debate)The narrative is already being set that he agreed to the ABC debate. So, regardless of conditions, what will be remembered is that he said he would be there, and then wasn’t. I don’t think there’s a way he could safely back out of ABC at this point, regardless of what Kamala does.
I look forward to Kamala having a full prime time slot to herself
You say that as if people on either side expect him to be consistent and rational. His supporters don’t care what he does as long as it upsets Democrats and Democrats already know he’s a liar.
He’s already agreed to it and backed out once.
And he wants the Fox debate to be first. He FULLY intends to back out after they give him the special treatment, which is why Harris won’t do Fox first.
No, he formally accepted the ABC debate on September 10. He invited Harris to a Fox News debate on September 4 and an NBC debate on September 25. Harris declined the Fox News debate and has neither accepted nor declined the NBC debate.
Looking at this article, his formal acceptance is conditional. I suspect conditional on Harris doing fox.
He 100% intends to do the Fox debate then weasel out before facing her in a real debate, which is why he is making the ABC debate conditional on doing Fox first.
Confirmation from her campaign or a source on the non-ABC stuff?
Loudly, from the roof tops, “I accept your debate at ABC” Make him decline again.
He’s such an idiot. He won’t show up, and we’re all going to get to call him a coward for it. I can’t wait.
This image is cursed in so many ways
it’s obviously photoshopped because his mouth isn’t gaping
that’s an actual butthole
He did agree, but he’s placed the Fox interview before the NBC or ABC debates. So, the plan is to do the Fox debate to roaring, paid crowds where he gets softball questions and Harris gets asked transparently sealioned questions. It’ll look something like this:
Interviewer: “Mr. President Trump, sir, how did you come by all of your elite skills playing golf? How do you maintain your unearthly, jaw dropping masculinity in the face of relentless feminization by the radical left?”
T: rambling, incoherent 3 minute long speech about Harris’ low IQ and how immigrants want to abort your 3 month old babies
Interviewer: “Kamala(pronounced incorrectly), why are you going to take everyone’s guns away so that they can be attacked in their own homes by the gay Mafia and immigrant caravans? Why are you going to force American man to get castrated, then put their privates into a blender, and use their extracted testosterone to turn all the girl kids into boys against their will?”
There. No need to watch Fox debate now, I just summarized it for you.
The Harris campaign has not agreed to the Fox debate. That’s him lying.
The only debate the harris campaign had agreed to yet is the one that was originally planned before biden dropped out. Her campaign has fully controlled his bullshit here, which is great to see.
I agree. Harris’s team is doing an outstanding job with handling his useless drivel.
It’s pushback we’ve needed to see since his initial campaign.
No need to watch Fox debate now, I just summarized it for you.
The Fox debate that won’t be happening because Harris never accepted? That imaginary debate?
Yeah, that one, lol. Ain’t gonna happen, but if it did, that’s how I imagine it’ll go.
I don’t think he did. He’s trying to make it sound like all three dates including fox were agreed by both sides. When Harris doesn’t show at fox he will withdraw from ABC.
Trump and Harris don’t agree…
Biden agree immediately and Harris agreed immediately, trump ran (orangely waddled) away because he’s a weird, old coward. Everyone laughed at him, laughed at jd vance fucking couches and now he crawled back desperately. Fuck you, CNN.
Is it me or is CNN just Fox news with a liberal mask now? I mean they still have some good correspondents but holy shit the amount of crap one has to swim to find actual facts on there is becoming worse and worse
Look at who runs it now and the billionaire they are taking orders from. CNN was never the best, but yes, there was a clear turn in their approach.
There is no mask but yes it is.
He’s gonna phone this shit in.
Oh this gunna be guuuuuuud!
I don’t see a ton of value to a Fox and NBC debate. ABC and even CNN at this point are considerably less biased.
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