People. We, the French, pulled a left-wing coalition out of our asses in less than a week and managed to “win” an election. You have months. Hope is permitted.
I don’t understand you people in this thread.
Ever since the debate, people have been calling for Joe Biden to step down from the presidential race and give the place to someone else.
Now I read the comments and everyone is criticizing and accusing the Democrats of not knowing what they’re doing? Are you for real? They’re doing EXACTLY what people have been asking for. They’re doing EXACTLY what needs to be done if they want to win.
Fucking hell you guys, make up your fucking mind.
A Canadian with severe anxiety over your next presidential election.
I’ll say just one thing:
Every single one of you assholes who wouldn’t shut up about him stepping down since the dude missed the toilet bowl fifty years ago after a particularly wild night out better sure as fuck step up now that Old Joe has stepped down.
A sitting god damned President of the United States has stepped aside less than half a year before reelection. Make no mistake: The man swallowed his pride and ego HARD to make this decision. Let’s honor that by creating a wall of votes so god. damned. thick. Riley Reid would gasp.
I know people will say this is bad, a new campaign will be rushed, etc. But I think we all know Biden was an excuse for many not to vote, or worse, to vote for Trump. Withdrawing will be his legacy when we win, not his failing.
Thank you President Biden. You are a hero.
The biggest hot-topic issue this election should have been abortion (and by extension, SCOTUS). But the discussion got side-tracked by all this talk of old age. The debate just reinforced the narrative and concern with Biden. They would have hammered him over and over, with Trump bragging about how quickly he recovered from an injury.
Now, we have:
- A sittingVP with actual Whitehouse experience, who can take credit for all the economic policies under Biden. Also, a former Senator.
- A prosecutor and former Attorney General vs a convicted felon.
- The age issue disappears (in fact, it now becomes a liability against Trump).
- A woman vs the guy who bragged about killing Roe v. Wade.
- Future of SCOTUS.
If she just keeps talking about those topics non-stop, she’ll do fine.
The only thing better would have been if Biden had resigned to let people see her in the actual role, but this works. She picks a mid-westerner as VP who can stand up to Vance and it’s a whole new ballgame.
I’m actually stoked about this race again.
Well guys… Have you seen Trump’s mental decline since he last ran?! How old is he now?
Surely nobody would be dumb enough to vote someone that old into office now… That is… What we have been saying? Right guys?
That’s why I’m never gonna cancel my USA subscription. Your shows always have a crazy twist right before the season finale.
Jokes aside: Not a single person who even considers voting for Trump is worth any hassle. Their vote is a coin flip on fucking acid. The dems should try to animate the lazy nonvoting pricks.
Jesus, I hope they can piece a campaign together in the few remaining months
It would be an awful lot easier than trying to salvage Biden’s image as it stands. If they do it right this should be super easy, but if they drag their heels on the changes necessary then it might be a lot harder.
This is BIG opportunity to rebrand and show what really matters to the party.
This is the perfect opportunity to do that! But I have absolutely zero faith in them actually doing that.
But maybe I’ve become jaded in my age with politics. Maybe they won’t just choose the worst possible option.
Maybe they won’t just choose the worst possible option.
Her turn 2.0 watch out yall here comes Hillary! /$
Lol seriously.
Also “Her Turn” as a campaign slogan was so bad.
I think the fact that the party was willing to do this says a lot. They’ve already avoided the worst possible option, I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
I’m sure it will all work out when Republicans contest the new candidate… Fuck me what is this idiocy.
Are they going to force Biden to run against his will or what is the plan here? If Biden dies, are Democrats not allowed to run at all because they aren’t allowed to replace him.
are Democrats not allowed to run at all because they aren’t allowed to replace him.
Yeah this was the point all along
Dems haven’t even officially nominated anyone yet, dont think the republicans would get very far with that stunt
Who’s going to stop them? The Supreme Court?
If you think they’re that off the rails then they don’t need this as a premise to challenge Democrats in the first place.
The thing is, it’s not the Democratic Party replacing Biden anymore. Biden has willfully stepped down, and given his support to Harris. To put it another way, Biden is no longer “being replaced”.
But, that may not matter in the long run. The question now is when/if Republicans take this to court, and whether or not the judge decides to hear the case or not and how long that will take.
As far as I know, judges have historically decided not to pursue a case if it would impede the election process (e.g., gerrymandered district ruled illegal, but still used because not enough time to redraw maps). I would like to hope that the Democratic Party gets the same curtsy in this case.
However, I feel that right now given the current political climate, and the current way judges have been deciding in favor of the Republican agenda, this may not be the case and the new candidate will be tied up in legal tape to be able to campaign properly. The Republicans will cease upon this opportunity and use it against the Democratic Party to make them look weak and unable to do anything they say they will do. And to be honest, they won’t be wrong.
Democrats are their own worst enemy, and their hubris will be to all of our detriment.
You can tell it’s a good move when the GOP starts pulling this shit.
from the article
Election law expert Richard Hasen wrote that there is “no credence” to the notion that the Democratic Party could not legally replace Biden on the ticket, as he is not the nominee yet – the nominating process generally takes place during the Democratic National Convention.
But this is the DNC…
Booo the DNC just made an unprecedented pivot which the people actually wanted.
Nervously optimistic, but I’ve been hurt before
It’s not going to be perfect. It’s not going to even inspire people for the next 4 years. What it will do is get us to January where we, hopefully can rightfully calibrate like we should have in 2020. No matter the winner, THIS DOES NOT END IN NOVEMEBER. Remember that.
Was Bidens image really that bad outside of these internet circles?
Well Rs certainly hated his guts for totally real reasons
Yeah it was going to be impossible to properly move forward from this. There would be too much media coverage and division and lingering questions.
Now though, we have a real opportunity to unify, and make several arguments to voters – Democrats listened and picked a younger candidate. We can also flip the script on candidate age now
Have you met the DNC?
If, and that’s a big if, they choose to field a moderately likeable replacement, there’s a chance they can actually re-energize the campaign and voters and get a big boost with a fresh face. That’s a big if though.
They’ll probably pick Clinton to run again and she’ll still probably be making references to Pokémon Go to pull in the youth vote.
Big Gretch. Trump gets out of line like normal, she’ll give him a little shlap and put him in his place.
She would be my choice as well, but she just announced she wouldn’t.
Yes they can. This is the right choice. Democrats will be more energized than ever now. Hopeful they keep it open to the delegates to vote at the convention after a few people step forward.
Other countries have whole campaign seasons that are shorter. We’ve just gotten used to multi-year campaigns and never-ending reelection efforts. It wasn’t always like this, and I don’t think it’s good for us long-term.
Other countries have pulled out elections in two weeks. The us may not have that experience though. The campaign however had been directed at his opponent’s well known incompetence and malice. That may be the advantage of divisive politics.
They have the media bomb of “no incumbent” leading the headlines. This is one of the only media maneuvers that would change the conversation from “That Trump overcame assassination and adversity!” At this point a major shift was needed.
The year and a half back log of memes against Biden that right wing contractors have saved up are now worthless. The right will have 3 months to make a cohesive media smear campaign (which they can do against the right candidate) but it will require lots of downtime as the high paid think tanks make astroturf.
The fact that Republican troll farms have to now spend time coming up with new material puts a small smile on my face.
They will move swiftly though, while the Democrats are used to being sluggish, so vigilance is in order.
Plenty of other countries’ electoral campaigns advance far faster than Americans expect theirs to move, and US media is talking about politics all the damn time. If the Dems don’t do a massive screw up somehow, I think they’ll find out that switching the candidate will be far easier than they were expecting.
I’m afraid that cancer may have already metastasized.
Lol… From a foreigner this is hilarious. Some of you still want to support the guy that tried disrupt the governmental process… He called the frigging election investigator FFS. You can listen to him tell her how 'her job is the most important in The country rn… and talk at length about how fraud will be found.
People that want trump want a king. Plain and simple.
Boooo the campaign will be better than what they had in store for biden.
That cuts both ways. The GOP also has to pivot from “Biden is too old!” to “Trump is NOT too old” in the few remaining months.
It’s the same campaign, still has half the ticket on it.
Mike Johnson has literally already made it clear that in these circumstances he intends to CONTEST the new candidate being allowed on ballots.
We live in the fucking stupidest ass timeline.
The time for dropping Biden was before the fucking primaries and now we’re walking right the fuck into a Republican trap.
Fuck me, someone just kill me now so Trump can’t institutionally fucking murder me.
Democrats are fuckin morons who want to lose.
Mike Johnson is (as usual) full of shit. The DNC is still a month away and not a single state ballot deadline has passed.
That doesn’t mean they won’t tie this up in the courts I’ve a bogus legal theory that the Supreme Court will turn into a reality… Mark my words, unless Biden packs the court, this one is on Clarence Thomas’s desk stat
Saving this comment for later.
Minus 5 votes, wonder why
I didn’t downvote you but it may be because the DNC hasn’t even happened yet.
How do you plan to recalibrate your BS meter after seeing how you were wrong here?
By just admitting I was wrong and that didn’t happen? Not that hard
No one can “make biden run”. If he died tomorrow we are suppose to vote for a literal corpse? Boooo
Biden isn’t even the nominee yet that’s one of the reasons it was important this happened before the DNC. Before the nomination this is no official presidential candidate, ol’ Mikey Poo-Bear is yaking out of his ass. Mike even said “some legal impediments in at least a few of these jurisdictions”, he’s just posturing for attention. No more threatening than a bantam rooster when you walk in his coup.
Johnson is just threatening. He has no power over nominees.
from the article
Election law expert Richard Hasen wrote that there is “no credence” to the notion that the Democratic Party could not legally replace Biden on the ticket, as he is not the nominee yet – the nominating process generally takes place during the Democratic National Convention.
For all of y’all anxiety-pilled people: this is great news. Biden was stuck in negative momentum because his health issues had been exposed and were not going to stop resulting in terrible headlines, which is a problem whoever comes next is not going to have, unless the delegates are somehow stupid enough to pull another dinosaur from below the rug.
More interestingly: now that Biden has pulled out because he’s patently too old, as it was a concern for plenty of voters, this is a golden opportunity to put the focus on the other candidate whose age is a somewhat less obvious but still noticeable issue.
Oh boy, I can’t wait for armchair pundits who were calling for Joe to step down to now turn around and start to nitpick Harris as if that wasn’t going to be the obvious successor.
I’m 100% behind Harris or anyone who gets the Dem nom. Trump must be stopped.
This is still a battle for America’s soul. Are we going to accept the first female president or the first convicted felon president? I sure hope the left turns out for this one, even if they aren’t super stoked about it, because we might never recover from another Trump disaster.
Bad for the orange one, because the other side will get the whole media attention now.
We can hope. If the media attention is “Democrats are in shambles 3 months before the election” it might not go so well. And Trump will definitely be making a lot of noise about that.
I feel like the Democrats appeared more in shambles with him refusing to drop out. The party was all over the place on their support for him and he was just being a stubborn old man. Now they’ll hopefully all be able to come together and rally behind a single candidate.
I hope the Dems will quickly rally behind a new candidate and show more of the bad side of rump in the political debate, not just Bidens age. I think this is a huge chance
Biggest news this month
This decision really raises my opinion of Biden so much. God damn do I love that man, he is truly a great person who dedicated his life to serve his country, literally. He honestly had a great term given the circumstances, and the only thing he probably should have done differently is to not run for reelection to begin with. But he seemed to genuinely believe he could win and stave off Trump. Now that that seemed impossible, he makes a very courageous decision that a lot of people probably wouldn’t have made and puts the country ahead of his ego. Lots of respect from me, and I hope this reinvigorates the democratic base and makes the future brighter for all of us.
I hope the Dems know what they’re doing.
Morgan Freeman: “They do not”
Biden wasn’t doing what needed to be done to come back from the debate. This wasn’t a move out of desperation. It was out of necessity.
I hope they have a plan too.
He’s 81 and has COVID
He likely doesn’t have Covid
He likely does have COVID
According to…?
The internet.
I’m on the internet.
Make the democrats mistakes less existential by introducing competition into the electoral process with Ranked Choice voting.
More political parties, more chances to beat trump, more people voting.
Nobody knows what they’re doing. This is all unprecedented stuff.
They do. They’re doing what the people asked.
Realistically… from a foreigner . They shouldn’t …really… Have to…
Anybody that votes for trump wants a king. Plain and simple.
Provided America has a functional education system, the Dems should easily be able to coast against someone that actively tried to retain power in the ways that he did. You can listen to the cals yaknow.
I respect the decision and it means he goes out on top. It must have been a difficult decision, but he was one of the better presidents (I see an historian pol ranking him 14th best) and I believe history will remember him even better. I wish Joe Biden all the best in retirement.
Now comes the hard part. How do we avoid him having to say “I told you so”? How do we avoid repeating the disaster of the worst ranked President in history?
This whole Biden stepping down vs Trump saga is a metaphor for the American baby boomer generation’s approaches to their own reckoning of their old age and their reluctance to pass down the torch to another generation.