Are you new to the democratic party?
Are you new to the democratic party?
You wanna know how to shut those people up? Replace First Past The Post voting with something like Ranked Choice voting. Then they would have to make their own party and show us how it’s done. (No spoiler effect to)
Care to explain further?
Too progressive = union busting?
Make the democrats mistakes less existential by introducing competition into the electoral process with Ranked Choice voting.
More political parties, more chances to beat trump, more people voting.
Maybe they won’t just choose the worst possible option.
Her turn 2.0 watch out yall here comes Hillary! /$
Well BidenBros, are you happy you divided the party so much to try and get your guy in?
If trump wins, it’s your fault… BidenBros. Hope it was worth it BidenBros.
Twenty dollars can buy many peanuts.
Me too, thanks.
Biden world? I want off Mr bidens wild ride.
Hey, what are you doing!?!?! Those aren’t your goal posts!
When It Was Written they were worried that US Army would be busy and the slave rebellion wouldn’t be able to put down without a local militia
You’re thinking of cops. And yes, cops are not well regulated.
so where’s the training
For civilians? Hunter safety, otherwise you’re paying for a private tutor.
I’m all down for more training, so long as it’s free. We should not gatekeep civil liberties behind fees.
Would you be okay with people having to pay $200 for a training class on how to vote before you were allowed to vote? Of course not. The same is true for the right to own a firearm.
Pretty sure the above commenter was referencing the origins of California’s strict gun laws.
Let me guess, you would “well regulate” all militias to be wealthy white people?
18 for everything. “various levels of adulthood” need to go away. Either you’re an adult or not.
Don’t like it? Prove you actually believe what you say you do and work to raise the draft age to 21.
Bernie Sanders wants to save capitalism from itself.
Should we REALLY save capitalism? It most certainly wouldn’t save us.
Did you know there are alternative voting systems in which a spoiler effect doesn’t exist? You should start demanding Ranked Choice voting from your state representatives.
More democracy, Introduce competition into the electoral process, improve the quality of candidates across the political spectrum, and we could have more chances at defeating the Republicans. A complete win for the people.
A cop and a union buster. A match made in heaven.