Captain Brainworms joining forces with some Weird Felon’
Name a more cursed duo
Captain Brainworms & The Weirdos is an awesome band name
Or how about Bain Dead Kennedy’s
Or Dead Brainworm & The Creeps.
They might gain 1%, but wont be enough if blue wave pushes again
Where is my shocked face? I mean, who didn’t know he was a tRump operative the WHOLE time. This shit is so desperate. They are just trying everything other than you know…governing for the people.
The Trump team thought he was gonna pull more votes from the Dems. But it turns out he was mostly the same kind of crazy as the Trumpets and was at best splitting the votes evenly. Then Harris showed up and now that even vote split could doom Trump.
#45 Was advised to let COVID19 run it’s course, on the assumption it would be more harmful to Dems. Who could have predicted that GOP anti-vaxers / covid19 deniers would take the brunt of it? Anyone with 1/2 a brain. Still playing the same tired, callous, ignorant strategy. “Most troubling of all, perhaps, was a sentiment the expert said a member of Kushner’s team expressed: that because the virus had hit blue states hardest, a national plan was unnecessary and would not make sense politically. “The political folks believed that because it was going to be relegated to Democratic states, that they could blame those governors, and that would be an effective political strategy,” said the expert.”
Anyone with 1/2 a brain
That leaves Kennedy clueless, as the worm ate most of it.
If the Kennedy campaign dropped out, Shanahan said she’d consider running for governor of California.
I can hear this gif
No shit, he literally went to Trump and then Kamala with an offer to “give me a job and I’ll drop out and endorse you”, both of which said no. This is so pathetic and embarrassing for him and for the entire nation.
I mean he always was supposed to be the spoiler candidate to bleed votes of the dems, but seems that lately they are, if anything bleeding votes of the reps, so their donors are probably redirecting them.
Early on there were people posting that liberals should vote RFKjr rather than Biden, and a number of us would ask how he’s closer to being a Biden alternative than a Trump alternative. It was a stupid plan, and I love that they’re being caught out in being disingenuous by saying they’ll have to drop out rather than take votes from Trump.
I don’t think anyone stupid enough to vote for RFK could find the door out of their house to actually get to a polling booth. The net effect will be zero.
My coworker is relatively book smart individual. Bought his first house last week at 25, just got married to a dental hygenist. Etc. Politics came up the other day and I was like fuck, I’m about to out myself as liberal at my VERY conservative company. He said that he’s not voting for Trump and doesn’t want him to win. I was floored, and very enthusiastically started talking about how excited I was for walz. He looks me in the eye and starts going off about rfk Jr and how he’s our best option. My view of this this kid instantly changed and I view him as rather dumb now. Cause in reality, he is. Sucks that political bs has divided us so much but anyone dumb enough to vote for Trump let alone fucking rfk is just so God damn stupid and that’s facts
RFK can appear very appealing if you don’t look hard enough. Sit him down to watch the John Oliver segment and see what he thinks then. If he’s a rational person, he might see the error of his ways.
The Behind the Bastards episodes are pretty enlightening as well.
I’ll never not praise Robert Evans and BtB to anyone who’ll listen.
At least he’s dumb enough to not understand how, in this fucked up system we’ve got here, voting for a third party is like not voting at all.
Most third party voters are people who wouldn’t be voting if there wasn’t a third choice on the ballot.
Stronger independent parties tend to correlate with higher election participation, even when they don’t win.
People shit on Perot and Nader, but these guys goosed turnout in what would have been very flat election years.
My view of this this kid instantly changed and I view him as rather dumb now. Cause in reality, he is.
You’re in a conservative area, you’ve found a guy that’s anti-Trump, and you’re shocked to discover he’s a no-sell on Democrats?
Come on, man. That’s got nothing to do with intelligence. It’s just priors. If someone is sold on Democrats being corrupt, sleazy, dishonest, and cruel, why do you think “Trump bad tho” would be enough to win them over?
RFK is just the Other Other Guy. And if you listen to enough Rogan or other indie brand talk radio, you can find plenty of hype around him on those issues the other parties don’t really touch but enjoy a strong base of support (drug legalization, funding cuts to the Pentagon/CIA/etc, debt relief, anti-monopolization).
It doesn’t matter that RFK is, himself, a clown. He’s saying things the other two aren’t, and that’s what this guy’s hearing.
You should check out leftism and see if you like it better than liberalism. This comment is not about voting, I just don’t like liberalism.
I don’t know much about the differences between leftism and liberalism. Why don’t you like liberalism?
Liberalism is capitalist. Neoliberalism especially so. Capitalism is associated with various problems like homelessness, commodified relationships and hobbies, price gouging, poor healthcare, and systemic discrimination. Also over time liberalism leads to fascism as capitalism breaks down, poverty increases, and people become radicalised. A society which permits the accumulation of wealth and the use of wealth to gain wealth, will inevitably form oligopolies, monopolies, oligarchies, and eventually monogarchy. This is anti-democracy and anti-human.
I think you have confused several things.
Not the person who you were originally replying to but got recourses?
My brother is all over this stuff. He seems to be attractive to those who believe the both sides are bad narrative.
Maybe it’s “I’ve discovered what the rest of people are too dumb to realize” kind of mentality.
Yeah I get that. Like he suddenly figured out everything one day and we’re dumb for not seeing it.
I don’t think anyone stupid enough to vote for RFK could find the door out of their house
Terrible news for Joe Rogan
The fact that her name isn’t prevalent enough for the headline vs. “RFK Jr. Running Mate” tells me this won’t matter.
I’ll be honest, I’ve never heard of her and had no idea Mr Brainworms had a running mate. He was irrelevant, I’ve seen one sign for him and I thought it was a joke. (it still could be, idk)
I just read the article and I don’t know her name.
Does RFK only get to vote once? Or does the brain worm get a vote too?
Not sure even his brain worm is dumb enough to vote for him.
All the rats jumping onto the same ship. I like it.
a rat vote still worth 1 vote, i would rather keep them in different ships
I get the appeal of Trump. I don’t like it and can’t fathom being the kind of person who would vote for him, but I understand why people vote for him.
I don’t get Kennedy at all. Is it purely Q people still thinking he is the next savior or some shit?
Trump may flirt with anti-vaxx sentiment or climate denial, etc., but he can’t fully support those ideas. They’re very niche and he’d lose the centre if he did.
RFK Jr doesn’t hold back on those issues. For conspiracy types he is closer to their beliefs than Trump.
Kennedy has been a Democrat most of his life. He helped Obama & supported Hillary. He’s definitely done some weird things, but most Democrats would have called him an ally up until his presidential run. Trump has always been a con man. If you get why people support Trump more than why they’d support Kennedy, then I’d say that says more about you than him.
He’s definitely done some weird things, but most Democrats would have called him an ally up until his presidential run.
Bullshit. He was vocally antivax. People who didn’t know that before sure found out during COVID.
Also, people consider someone less of an ally when they find out about things like the dead bear and the brain worms.
He has a body count. He used his celebrity to get the MMR vax paused in Samoa and kids died from a measles outbreak. It turned out the kids who’d died after getting vaxxed were poisoned by poorly-prepared vaxes rather than the vax itself. He takes no responsibility for this.
Person you are replying to may be referring to decades ago. I think the country’s brain broke in the last decade
I guess so, because pretty much the first thing everyone associates with RFK Jr. is him being against vaccination.
I don’t even remember the start of this conversation but I went and double checked, looks like RFK has been anti vax since at least 2005, so I think my argument is wrong thought the start was basically me saying he’s been antivaxx for years and you agreeing? But maybe I misunderstood.
Haha good call
Weird… why did the Biden campaign enlist Robert De Niro to help with events? Does that mean Biden was antivax, and that Kamala said she loves an antivaxer during the first day of the DNC convention?
Also… leaving a dead bear that someone hit with their vehicle in a park is messed up, but sending weapons to a country that has killed 30k+ women & children is normal?
Last, you do realize brain worms is like a serious medical condition? Like… should Democrats now platform on being disabled or a paraplegic disbars them from being an ally?
Is Robert DeNiro an antivaxxer?
And are you actually accusing Democrats of ableism because they don’t trust a guy who had WORMS IN HIS BRAIN to be in politics?
Yes Robert DeNiro was alongside RFK Jr at his vaccine safety press event offering money to show it was safe to inject mercury utilized in many vaccines at the time.
And yes it is ableism. Why does it matter that he had worms? Biden has had multiple brain surgeries due to aneurisms.
Would you say it was ableism to not trust someone with Alzheimer’s too? It’s a disability after all. Should someone with Alzheimer’s be considered an important political ally?
Who has Alzheimers?
Look, there’s a reason why people who use wheelchairs aren’t running track events. Disability is a spectrum, but let’s not pretend that it doesn’t actually prevent people from doing things.
Like Dianne Feinstein or Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Did that stop Democrats from supporting them?
You mean all the Democrats that were praising them for their decades-long careers and all the good work they’d done, but also calling for them to step down once it was clear they were no longer up to the task?
They wheeled Feinstein around in a wheel chair to “vote” till her dying breath. RBG stayed until Republicans could appoint a Republican justice. They didn’t do shit stop gaslighting people.
Since he went all in on antivax and conspiracy stuff, Dems have known he’s a weird/crazy dude. Which is a damn shame, as pre-brain worms, he was a kick-ass environmental lawyer. Dude is clearly not all there and hasn’t been for decades.
He attended the vaccination safety events Robert De Niro… who the Biden campaign then enlisted. I’m not saying he’s right by any means. I think it is fine to question vaccine safety, especially when big pharma has so much influence in politics, but obviously he’s made statements that were far too extreme without supporting medical evidence.
Regardless… Christians believing in make believe stuff that would normally be considered mental illness is as conspiracy-based to me as RFK Jr, so by all means if you think that saying crazy shit means you can never be an ally… then I guess you’ve never ran for state government.
Wow, an RFK Jr apologist!
And it’s apparently ableism to say that the brain worms make him someone who maybe shouldn’t be listened to.
He said his brainwork was affecting his ability to make money to pay his x wife alimony.
I’d think that would make running the United States pretty difficult too, but maybe it’s easier than everyone thinks.
Does that mean you’re pro-genocide? Why the hyperbole? Why so offended when someone speaks truth?
Maybe she can co-VP with vance, in case he needs some couch time.
I’ve heard that he might not be around much longer.
Who saw this coming?
I think to see it coming I would need to know who the hell she is… and I don’t.
All 6 of them
So what Cabinet position did Trump offer him? My bet is on AG.
John Oliver said Trump was considering making him HHS secretary.
An anti-vaxer as HHS secretary is a public health policy nightmare.
That has happened in Florida where DeSantis installed an anti vaxxer.
Natural resources. One morning someone will find Smokey in the national mall; victim to an apparent electric scooter hit and run.
he will give trump all of his two votes ! oh no.