It is on.

    817 months ago

    Now the MAGA people are mad that they can’t use their AI pictures anymore and pretend they are real.

    Sad MAGA face 😡

      7 months ago

      Why are right wing parties obsessed with AI posters? And like HORRIFICALLY BAD AI posters? They’re creepy as hell. In my country too, it’s just unsettling. I guess it’s easier than a photoshoot and allows you to make any obscene shit you want… Or just straight up lie.

        187 months ago

        I think you already answered your own question there. GenAI makes it really easy to flood a platform with loads of bullshit, and as a consequence make any point seem (at least somewhat) believable

      • ArxCyberwolf
        67 months ago

        Doing it themselves would take both effort and creativity, as well as time. AI lets them vomit out tons ot nonsense with little effort.

      337 months ago

      Yeah I actually thought she wouldn’t ever officially do it unless it was being timed and pre planned to occur just after the debate in order to have maximum impact. Which - I would guess that it was. Not that it’s a bad thing.

      Anyway I didn’t think she would because I’m certain she lost some fans tonight - deciding to step into this race in such a major way. And the cynic in me thought she was more interested in money and wouldn’t risk her image. I’m glad I was wrong.

          357 months ago

          Wait she did? Wow I have a lot to learn about Taylor Swift. Okay I would have definitely deserved to lose that bet.

        237 months ago

        She endorsed Biden in 2020. There are no fans that didn’t understand her political leanings.

      • Yeah I actually thought she wouldn’t ever officially do it unless it was being timed and pre planned to occur just after the debate in order to have maximum impact.

        After the AI image ordeal she released a statement saying “for the safety of her fans” and being mid-tour she wouldn’t release a statement until after he tour ended…which coincidentally was after the election.

        Maybe she got some blowback because that would be the coward’s way out (publicly denounce the orange turd if he lost, or just make it a minor, non-issue if he won), but also being more concerned with the $$ her tour makes by staying out of it.

        I’m glad she nutted up and chose a side in this and has some sway with her non-tween rapid fan base. It certainly won’t make me atart listening to her music though.

      • zeekaran
        67 months ago

        Acting like she didn’t endorse Biden four years ago.

    297 months ago

    Banking on the following comments from the right, which they use for every artist’s endorsement:

    They’re a has been washed up. Who even is this person? Guess I can cross him/her off my list I don’t even know who this person is, what does it matter? This won’t move the needle at all They should keep their options out of politics When is the last time this person has been relevant? Of course they would, all actors/actresses/artists are blue

    Spin the ol wheel and let’s see what we land on.

    • They should keep their options out of politics

      And the same people who said that are the ones who love kid rock or the other motor city nutball whose concerts are nothing but right wing bs

        • Cethin
          7 months ago

          Twice… if you count Trump as a movie star.

          Reagan is somehow remembered for lowering taxes even, when taxes were actually higher for most people* when he left office.

          (*It was a little lower for corporations and the wealthy.)

          7 months ago

          Well, I’m not sure cameo appearances qualify “movie star.”

          And maybe they wouldn’t be that insightful. Either way, it’s a silly notion. We certainly should put weight in the political opinions of pop stars. Queen Latifahs endorsement of Biden is what swayed my vote.

          Edit: So… Everyone agrees pop stars political opinions are important? It’s ok that Queen Latifahs swayed my vote?

    57 months ago

    I hate that this is what it takes to get some people to vote, but at least they’re going to vote. Hopefully.

    27 months ago

    I honestly didn’t understand the media timing. It seems like it would be more effective to wait until the bump from the debate was over, then do the swift bump to keep the beat

          37 months ago

          It wasn’t the wrong link initially, I believe. I was watching the video on my television last night when it suddenly stopped and went private. I think MSNBC took it down and then put up a new one.

    • Flying SquidOP
      157 months ago

      When the most popular musician in the world, a woman who has a vast number of American followers, a woman who got thousands of them to register to vote this year just by saying so, endorses a candidate, it’s news.

      • Cyrus Draegur
        7 months ago


        It is the act of an influential human. Of course we’ll notice. Simple as.

        • Flying SquidOP
          27 months ago

          Those are the sort of numbers that could change a presidential election outcome.

      7 months ago

      Yeah, this news is so irrelevant that it gathered a lot of buthurt people to go on posts and videos about it to say how much they don’t care. Let’s be honest, it’s not that they don’t care, they are bothered by it, they are concerned and afraid.

      And right now this is the top post on lemmy. Very irrelevant, right?

    7 months ago

    Finally. After the ai bs she should have stomped. But I suppose it’s hard to pass up the cash though Edit:sorry not sorry swifties

    • Chozo
      1217 months ago

      One of the most influential people currently alive endorsing a political candidate is absolutely news.

          247 months ago

          probably maximizing impact doing it when more people are talking about the two candidates. also avoids some potential criticism because she hadn’t released her policy plan until about right now. so now you got policies+debate+L+ratio

          87 months ago

          It’s entirely possible she wasn’t going to endorse anyone until Trump started with the AI saying she endorsed him.

        • ???
          -227 months ago

          It’s because she’s rich bitch who wants to sell. No other reason.

            77 months ago

            I take it no one ever told you just how much of a dick you are.

            So I’ll help you out here — you’re a dick. You might want to see someone about that.

            Or don’t and continue being a dick on useless social media platforms where literally nothing matters just so you can feel smug and righteous within the confines of your inferiority complex.

        -377 months ago

        I know she’s popular, but are people really gonna go “I was going to vote for Trump, but Taylor said I should vote for Camala, so that’s what I’ll do”?

        • Drunemeton
          467 months ago

          She stated that since someone on Truth Social posted an AI-generated image of her endorsing Trump she felt she must set the record straight.

          She wrote why she’s voting for Kamala. She then encouraged her fans to research the candidates and decide for themselves which one best represented their own viewpoints.

          I did like her reminder that if you’re a new voter you do need to register first!

          But at no point did she tell anyone who to vote for…

          197 months ago

          I’ve never like actually voted before but Taylor wouldn’t talk about it if it weren’t important

          Then they do their research (well they did, they read her post) and tap her story to get registered. She follows it up with another post around Election Day and they go vote.

          (No offense Swifties, just using one example. We can’t all be highly politically active, high-information citizens. Those who are will have gaps elsewhere in their lives instead.)

          • bufalo1973
            127 months ago

            That “get registered” is one of the things I don’t understand why hasn’t been changed. In Spain you can vote the moment you are 18. No need to register anywhere. The only register that need to be updated is “where you live”, so you go vote to your nearest location.

              157 months ago

              One of our two parties wins more when more people vote.

              Therefore, the other party must oppose voting by the largest groups, such as young people and people who live in cities.

              The less popular party also has disproportionate control of government policy.

              Which is to say, they oppose democracy itself. It is only a question of degree

              17 months ago

              Question, when you move to a new place in Spain, do you need to register residency with the police?

              I don’t know if Spain does that or not, but I think Italy does some version.

              The United States doesn’t have that, and doesn’t have a national id card. Although most people effectively register themselves to get a driver license, that is only required if you drive. So voter registration nominally provides some way for the government to get the information on residency, which is important for figuring out which local elections you need to vote in.

              Now recently, in the last couple of decades, some states started requiring photo id verification to vote. This defeats the purpose of having a separate voter registration system, because you still have to go to the driver registration system to get either a driver license, or a non-driving photo ID. Nevertheless, the separate voter registration system has hung around in every single one of these states, because the real goal is to prevent people from voting.

              • bufalo1973
                27 months ago

                Not with the police. With the town hall. It’s not mandatory but saves you some headaches with paperwork.

          137 months ago

          She commands one of the most loyal fan followings in existence. It’s like, moving the needle percentages large and loyal, and also, disproportionately in places like GA, NC, FL, where it’s still tough going for Kamala.

        • Flying SquidOP
          77 months ago

          She got thousands of her fans to register to vote not long ago. I’m guessing they’ll vote for who she wants whether she tells them to or not.

          27 months ago

          Probably not, but I’m sure some people are really gonna go, “I wasn’t going to bother voting, but Taylor said I should vote for Kamala.”

          At this point, this is a game of turnout.

          7 months ago

          I find it hard to believe but according to a fan of hers I once talked to, they would vote for a rabid raccoon if she endorsed it.

                -67 months ago

                So let’s hear the opinion of a genius: where does the government spend billions of propaganda in? Where do the red and blue party spend all their electoral campaign money on? How did an artist with mediocre skills become a billionare and so popular that their endorsing of a politician gets spammed multiple times on lemmy feed?

                -47 months ago

                Corporate mass media article with ties to the government talking about a billionare celebrity endorsing the government. Where do you think they spend billions or dollars in propaganda on? If you search enough you can probably find the receipts of their deals.

        • ???
          -157 months ago

          Correct. Propaganda doesn’t need to be unfactual. Using a celebrity figure to promote a certain party or ideology because idiots with no music taste love to worship this “musician” is propaganda… whether we like the party she advocates for or not.

      97 months ago

      For those of us who don’t celebrity worship, this isn’t news. Anyone paying attention knows she leans left. Why anyone cares what a billionaire has to say is beyond me; there’s no such thing as a moral billionaire. That said, if you care about democracy, vote.

      7 months ago

      Besides her being perhaps the most popular musician on the planet with a rabid fanbase that will do pretty much anything she tells them to, there’s also the fact that Trump tried to ride her coattails by posting an AI slop poster claiming she was endorsing him, basically forcing her hand here.

      But make no mistake. Maybe this won’t affect you or me, but there are a lot of young women who are going to look at Harris much more fondly because she got Taylor’s endorsement.

      507 months ago

      She had kept her mouth shut right up until the Republicans co-opted her visage for a poorly generate AI endorsement.

      On that alone it’s not a surprise she’s endorsed Harris, her hand was forced.

    • Flying SquidOP
      657 months ago

      I don’t understand why people like you are pretending you don’t know who she is when she’s one of the biggest celebrities in the world with a giant fan base that does whatever she asks of them.

      I get it, you’re too good to listen to her music or whatever. I’m not even a fan of hers and I can recognize this as significant.