I left snapchat long, long before AI. And I am glad I did!!
I left snapchat long, long before AI. And I am glad I did!!
So glad I got rid of that bullshlt long ago.
The end of the article when it talks about the fire trucks that the car failed to yield to; the article claimed it was because they were yellow instead of red. What about cop cars that are white, black, blue? How about ambulances? This seems super shady behavior to me.
First it was celery, then came the watermelons, now get ready for ____________!!
Like I paid taxes on the money I made while bartending…
Good lord, who the fuck downvotes this sort of stuff??!?
You’re goddamn right I’m going to pick up a pride flag!! (that’s my take away from the end of the article.)
That’s it!!! Hi Karin!!
I don’t think he can. I seem to recall businesses aren’t allowed to represent themselves in court.
Who was that person who hung out on reddit and every time we had one of these scientology threads they’d come out of the woodwork and post stuff favoring scientology?
I want an android version of this. I will use the feedback form and tell you all about the good and the bad. I’m only one guy though…
Yeah, something about this screams at me it’s not right.
Why wouldn’t this work? What would go wrong?
Nobody wants to do business with
Free Peltier!!!
Is this a good thing? I don’t hear many good things about the British gov’t lately.
Well, there goes Google for real this time.
Oh hell no, that ain’t no carrot!! That is a PUMPKIN!!!