I genuinely want to understand this. Are the defense systems we are sending so advanced that we can’t let anyone else operate them?
I know politics aren’t allowed here, so i want to stress that I just want to know why this is happening.
As I understand it is to operate the defensive missile battery they have just shipped.
This is the true answer.
To protect the military tech given to a genocidal regime isnt the out you think it is
They aren’t there to protect it, they’re there to operate it.
It’s a defensive missile battery, the US expects more missile attacks from Iran and plans to counter them.
This whole thing is a war between the US and Iran, it just happens to be occurring in Israel.
I love when the agency of non-Americans gets ignored because no one but America is worthy of being terrible.
Israel couldn’t be fighting Iran without Western support. Iran is literally 8 times bigger in terms of population, and has oil money to fund itself.
Agency is worth nothing if you can’t back it up.
Ok so dont fight Iran.
Iran has a stated goal of destroying Israel. That’s why they’re funding multiple terrorist groups to attack Israel.
Israel doesn’t have a choice at this point, any more than Ukraine does fighting Russia.
The defense systems being sent there are not only highly advanced, but are also extremely expensive to the taxpayer, as well as the training to operate them is compartmentalized under high levels of secrecy even against allies such as Israel.
It would be irresponsible for the military to send it over there without the proper personnel with the right clearances and training to operate it.
If you don’t believe me, try joining the military and attempt to become a Patriot Missile Battery operator and let us know how it goes with the many times your background check fails.
EDIT Not sure why you’re all downvoting. The government did literally lie to all of us about Iraqi WMD’s, so I’m not sure why you’d think aren’t lying about deploying troops to Israel.
I mean, we’re being told that’s why it is. We were also once told we had to fight Iraqis because they had nukes.
I don’t think any of us really knows what’s happening there.
It’s important not to let cynicism become conspiratorial ideation. This is not a ploy to get troops killed as a rationale for American involvement. This is a defensive anti-missile anti-drone anti-aircraft battery. The soldiers operating it may be the safest people in Israel, at least from Iranian attack.
I’d go further and speculate that Iran would avoid deliberately attacking this high value target to avoid escalation. I’d go further still and speculate that Iran is counting on her missiles being shot down so that she can attack Israel without doing enough damage to spark a wider war.
I don’t count Iran as peaceniks, their behavior so far looks like a Nation keen to save face, while avoiding a war it’s not ready for.
The real rational for sending troops is that there is no time to train up IDF soldiers to operate it.
Because large troop movements are also useful for hiding the entrance and exit of special operations.
Yeah it’s nice Iran kills them the regime can justify a war with them…
The same reason why Ukraine doesn’t get them.
To be clear, there are US service people within Ukraine but they take great care to ensure Russians don’t hit them and Russians really don’t want to hit them either
When one country sends soldiers to a different country but not very many, it could mean a few things.
One it’s a symbolic gesture.
Two with your own troops on the ground, if they become attacked, you now have an excuse to get fully involved. It’s the pathway from advisors to interventions. In some circumstances this can also cause the enemy to become hesitant to attack areas with known foreign presence
Three gathering intelligence from your own people, gives you a higher degree of situational awareness on the ground.
Four weapons research and development, sending a technical advisors, and observers, to an actual combat situation can give you valuable feedback on methodologies, doctrine, and weapons application.
Five: Special operations teams can use them as cover for movement.
Sending enough Americans to justify a full Iranian engagement when they are killed.