Following Trump’s election victory, healthcare providers reported a surge in requests for reproductive and gender-affirming medications, including abortion pills and emergency contraception.
Aid Access, the leading U.S. supplier of abortion pills by mail, received over 5,000 requests within 12 hours, a fivefold increase from a typical day.
Telehealth providers like Wisp and Hey Jane reported spikes in requests for emergency contraception, while QueerDoc saw an influx of trans patients seeking guidance on hormone access.
Providers are advising patients to stock up on medication, emphasizing resilience amid uncertainty about potential rollbacks on abortion and trans rights under a second Trump administration.
Medication doesn’t last forever, so I hope all of these people have backup plans.
The trans community will look after it’s own. If you feel like helping, there are many guides online to producing hormones and helping already existing networks of distribution for them. The entry cost is relatively low and once setup is easily repeatable for very low costs.
Abortion pills is another thing altogether. I don’t know if those are feasibly produceable with supplies that are easily available.
Luckily the Four Thieves Vinegar collective (an anarchist group who promote the right to repair - for your body) have our backs:
I find that terrifying.
If we can see it, then the far-right Nationalist Christians can see it.
People who would bomb a Planned Parenthood clinic would think nothing of producing fake abortion cards and drugging or murdering women trying to give themselves an abortion.
I’m imagining a card prepared with an overdose of Tylenol on the cards instead of misoprostol.
How do you guarantee that the card you’re using is legitimate?
You make it yourself or trust the people you source it from, same way it’s always been
The video on the website talks about hiding cards where someone could find them.
I wasn’t talking about the availability of medication for gender affirming treatment, and I don’t know that any trans person is safe under Trump regardless of the availability of medication.
That is probably the most immediate pressing concern for most trans people, yes. Violence against us is a possibility in many ways, but denial of healthcare is almost guaranteed from their rhetoric. Denial of hormones will end in dead trans people. A lot of them. People like me who are post-op do not even produce their own hormones. Denial of my medication would have significant negative consequences for my health.
This is a post about medication as well, you can’t fault me for responding about medication.
I understand the issue there, sorry if I sounded callous. What I am saying is that I fully expect trans people, and eventually other people, to be put in “conversion therapy” camps within the next four years. I hope you and others can get out while you can.
I’m extremely fortunate to live in Canada, cant say the same for many of my friends and loved ones. I would definitely say forced conversion therapy is a real concern. If it comes to it escape networks may have to be formed. We have to be proactive. We can’t lose sight of each other. This is the reality of the world we live in now. So we have to resist it.
I never thought the U.S. would need an Underground Railroad again. Certainly not within my life time. It’s so awful.
What can I do to help, as a cis man?
Unfortunately I can’t vote in the US since I’m not a citizen.
Well specifically abortion medication (2-5 years).
Not just abortion medication, emergency contraception. Plan B only lasts about 5 years and I wouldn’t even expect Plan B to be legal by the time the latest batch expires.
I’m genuinely worried about contraception in general. It’s one of the tick boxes for Project 2025. And I don’t know if that will mean prescription contraception or all of it. Luckily there have been some recent breakthroughs in male contraception that you can buy even if they aren’t marketed as contraception for legal reasons. I’m not normally one to fuck with healthcare that hasn’t been tested and approved, but people will get desperate.
If there’s talk of getting rid of birth control, I’m asking my endometriosis specialist for a hysterectomy. I cannot survive without my birth control. My periods are too heavy and painful for me to function while they’re going on. My specialist is really cool, so she can probably get it done. I will go into debt for it if I have to.
The way things are going they’ll eventually ban unnecessary procedures that prevent fertility as well unless you’re married and already had multiple kids.
Your suffering will be the point.
There is talk of getting rid of birth control. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
You right. Just scheduled a hysterectomy consult with my specialist. She’s one of the few specialists in my state who will tie a woman’s tubes with no questions asked. I’m just hoping we can convince my insurance this is medically necessary, but I’ll go into debt if it ensures I won’t ever get a period again and my reproductive organs won’t wreck me. I literally faint from blood loss when on my period and the pain is so bad I can hardly see. Not to mention the wicked ovarian cysts and endometrial growths my body loves to create.
I’m getting snipped ASAP. I have no intention of bringing any people into this mess of a world anyway
We have one kid, one one the way, and then it’s time for a Balls Voyage party (or snipped but still equipped, if you prefer).
Got my tubes tied 4 years ago. Happy to answer any questions about the process for anyone considering this route.
Probably gonna get snipped but its hard to find someone who will do that at my age
I hate to direct you to reddit, but theres a sticky on r/childfree that has state by state resources on doctors who will preform the procedure with minimum questions asked. Many of the places are for women, but they do include ones for men as well. It does say that you have to use a web browser and cannot access the list from the app.
Thanks! I will look into this
Planned parenthood will do it. My ex-husband git his done there and it was very easy and cheap
I wrote a post about this here that gives some good information you might be interested in for abortion.
Edit: fizlxing broken link
I don’t care
Trump got the majority vote, he didn’t even have to lie, steal and cheat, people actually gave him the presidency.
Whatever happens now, you reap what you have sowed. It’s not my problem and I’m so so so enormously done with the corrupt US culture. America can go fuck itself, I just no longer care, I have no more fucks to give you got trump, enjoy him
He’s the president America deserves. I feel bad because the Democrats wouldn’t listen to their base and Biden leading voters on by saying he’s a one and done President then turning around and ruining any chance at a primary to vet candidates.
The American people that know what this means are really the ones I feel the most for.
I know I will be downvoted to hell for saying this but it is so odd to be that instead of using contraception, or god forbid, having less sex, people are flocking to buy these pills. I know they are used for hormone regulation as well though so I’m probably making an unfair assumption.
You seem to have forgotten that birth control is not flawless.
You also aren’t taking in to account rape and incest.
Oh and sometimes a desired fetus implants in an unsafe place.
Or the fetus develops abnormally and isn’t viable but threatens the mother’s lifetl;dr you have no fucking idea what you’re talking about.
You seem to have taken the wrong impression that I’m against the use of this medication. You also are under the false impression that this medication is 100% effective.
Just like contraceptives aren’t 100%, neither is this medication. Also the idea that people are panic buying these pills in case they get raped is a bit odd but not outside the realm of possibility. Not every persons opinion is an attack on a women’s right to choose.
Yeah, you were just “asking questions” right?
Don’t get so worked up on other peoples opinions. Shit doesn’t get fixed that way. I voted all blue this year and given the option I would vote to codify a women right to choose. With that said I do not support abortion but I understand there are situations it’s necessary and everything isn’t black and white.
If we educated our children about sex and taught them all the contraceptive options out there abortion rates would drop naturally.
Teaching children about all the contraception options they won’t be able to access in the future seems weird and ineffective.
What are you on about? Why should people who don’t want kids be forced to forgo sex?
If someone anticipates birth control being outlawed, stockpiling it is a reasonable response.
I would recommend an IUD though.
I never said it was unreasonable I just think it’s odd. There plenty of contraceptive options out there. My wife and I have been using an IUD for the past 10 years with no issues. That coupled with a condom I feel like would be a better option. That fours the even cover the several other reason for this medication, obviously in situations of rape it’s very useful.
I’m not judging anyone by any means. Again I just find it odd.
Contraception is not perfect. If you are on birth control, and you take it every day, you can still get pregnant, it’s just unlikely. If you have an IUD, you can still get pregnant, and even worse every pregnancy is more likely to be life threatening. And of course, condoms can break.
As for having less sex … that’s an interesting thing to say …
Of course! Just make sure your rapist uses protection.
I didn’t forget about rape. There are a lot of uses for this medication. I’m not against the use of it. Even if that were true that’s a bit weird that people are panic buying these pills in case they get raped. I don’t think people plan on being raped so they keep a stash of these in the drawer.
I don’t wish rape on ANYONE and I hope that we can find a way to ensure access to this medication when people need it.
I don’t plan on my home burning down, but if they were going to outlaw fire extinguishers next month, I would stock up.
Maybe you should adjust your perception to account for the fact that these people are not your property, and they didn’t solicit your ignorant opinion.
I’m entitled to my opinion thanks.
Contraceptives aren’t 100% effective, not all sexual partners are willing to use them regularly, rapes can and do happen, and most importantly - bodily autonomy is something that should be respected.
Ultimately, what happens between consenting adults should be solely up to them - and not some puritanical directive from a Big Brother-style Government.