He’s the president America deserves. I feel bad because the Democrats wouldn’t listen to their base and Biden leading voters on by saying he’s a one and done President then turning around and ruining any chance at a primary to vet candidates.
The American people that know what this means are really the ones I feel the most for.
It’s amazing how the spoiler effect propaganda from the DNC gets eaten up so easily by voters when a better system of rank choice voting would prevent the thing issue completely.
If the Democrats actually ran on these issues you stated seriously and were not so spinless they wouldn’t have to try to fight third party candidates from running in court to push subpar empty suit politicians through the finish line.
Even in their own party, centrist candidate Dean Phillips tried to run against Biden and he had a media blackout and was actively fighting the DNC while the power at be pushed Joe “just a stutter” Biden.
If Jill Stein is such a threat maybe don’t push the 81 year old incumbent on your base and with no primary to stress test his viability. Then when his brain shorts out during a debate and he drops THEY STILL don’t primary Kamala who’s 2020 run was absolutely destroyed the second people started listening to her word salad no answer bullshit get called out by Tulsi Gabard’s grifter ass.
I mean she has been running since 2012, are you saying that she has been a Trump plant this entire time?
If you are voting for Jill Stein it probably means that you have a distain for both political parties and want a candidate that’s not anointed without a primary to vet them AND you don’t want a authoritarian figure that will speed up our failing infrastructure and decline as a nation.
Shit sign me up! If Trump wins I get 100 dollars if he loses I get 100 dollars.
You would think so but you basically are making a patch work version of the illicit actual media so it’s a dark dark gray area for sure.
Debates dont matter and neither do you. Go get lost in the woods like when you did your walk of a shame after your 2nd failed attempt at becoming president.
S10e has been better than it should be. I don’t want to find a replacement.
We spend more on our military than the next 9 countries combined not including our dark operations that we can’t account for in our budget already.
We could cut our military in half and still be the best funded military in the world.
That problem isn’t other nations, it’s the US and the military industrial complex