We’re getting closer every day.
Just bring it on at this point. At least Camacho kind of wanted to help the country.
And sought the council of the smartest man in the world to do it.
Except they aren’t just idiots, they’re hateful greedy snakes who ruin things on purpose.
I hate this timeline.
Pretty sure the Mayans were dead ass on their 2012 thing.
I used to think that shit was stupid.
Now I know I’m the stupid one.
We all are. And they knew it.
The 2016 murder clowns should have been an indication of things to come…
Well, at least it’s only a temporary appointment given Trump has said he’ll be getting rid of this whole department
So, to Trump it’s because: wrestling was fun in the 90s, she has a famous last name, she’s a woman and most teachers are women, she enabled the sexual abuse of countless children, and she has absolutely no experience. She’s clearly his perfect pick. I honestly can’t imagine him naming anyone better than this terrible person.
Because she went to school once?
Are there any non-sex criminals in this cabinet?
I thought that was the first requirement on the application form and that’s why they all are,
Did The Onion buy the US government, now?
For reference, here’s the future education minister about to be choke slammed by the Mayor of Knoxville.
Can we get the Mayor of Knoxville to do it again?
Nah, he’s a pro Trump MAGA shitbag so he’s helping her choke slam children now
I’m running out of popcorn.
It feels like I’m on the game show Press Your Luck while reading these headlines. “Holy shit, please don’t be real, hopefully I’ll see a link to theonion.com - AND STOP!”
What the actual fuck is going on? Would Joe Rogan getting an appointment be a bridge too far for his supporters or is nothing off the table?
An improvement from Betsy DeVos at least