Rudy Giuliani, facing a $150M defamation judgment for false claims against Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, erupted in court, declaring he’s unable to pay his bills due to frozen assets.
Giuliani, 80, has turned over some assets, including a car and access to his Manhattan apartment, but disputes over ownership documents persist.
A federal judge denied Giuliani’s request for extended deadlines and refused to delay a January trial that may decide if more assets, including his Florida home, will be surrendered.
Giuliani continues to deny wrongdoing.
Wow that’s rough!
Just make your coffee at home and should have no problem paying those bills.
don’t forget to skip the avocado toast
That just looks like the first half of that crying woman pointing at the cat meme
And a meme is born
Deserves own post 👏
I bet the judge was a cat!
Similar energy
Do they sell prints of these?
You already have the NFT.
I own it now!
Save it and have it printed.
Personally, I’m getting it printed on a shower curtain. It just speaks to me.
Giuliani said he did not regret defaming Freeman and Moss.“I regret the persecution I have been put through,” he said.
Some people just don’t learn.
Sucks to suck, bitch.
Get a job at Walmart.
Is that my pillow guy hiring geriatric fluffers?
Ick, ugh, 🤮
This article is full of gold. From Gauliani giving up the car, but not the title, and unlocking his apartment but not giving anyone the keys, to my favorite:
He also said the judge’s “background is serious leftwing Democrat … about as leftwing as you get” – even while acknowledging Liman was nominated by Trump.
Giuliani pushed the NYC police to arrest dangerous fare jumpers and squeegee men back in the day. The judge should give him the same ‘zero tolerance’ treatment he gave those criminals.
Oh no you became an average Joe. Welcome to the club motherfucker
I wonder if Rudy can dodge a wrench
Fingers crossed he can’t
I guess he’s going to need a job.
I hear a certain landscaping company needs a spokesman…
What’s the joke? Astroturfing?
How dare you! Four Seasons Total Landscaping only uses 100% authentic turf!
And anyway, would a landscaping company really want someone as a spokesperson that seems to sweat crude oil? Seems like they would just poison all the lawns.
If you cannot pay the fine, do not do the crime.
Some people have to learn to pull themselves up by their bootstraps! Isn’t that the conservative way? Bootstraps, Giuliani, bootstraps!
Its funny, because that is originally a phrase created to point out how absurd that ideology is, but it got unironically taken by those too dumb to realise its physically impossible.
It comes from a story about baron Munchausen
Is that before or after he fucked the Queen of the Moon?
Ah, that’s why there’s ‘Moon’ in his surname (well, sort of)
I can’t see through all the tears i’m shedding for this fuckin’ guy
That sounds like a you problem, Rudy…
And what bills are those. Cause you gotta live within your means. Personal bankruptcy will help him get put from under contracts deemed too expensive… so he can pay the people he defamed.
I love that for him!
Giuliani said he did not regret defaming Freeman and Moss.
“I regret the persecution I have been put through,” he said.
He has been made a victim of the consequences of his own actions. How unfair!