I see Google and Apple really embracing passkeys lately and I’m trying to understand the hype, but it can be challenging. I also see that Bitwarden and 1Password are embracing them too. As far as I can tell, passkeys are just key pairs that behave like FIDO2 tokens (e.g. my yubikey) but are backed up to some cloud and usable from multiple synchronized trusted devices. Is this accurate? How would I go about implementing a self-hosted Linux equivalent? Use it with pam? Is this just a fancy ssh-agent for other protocols? What are you all doing in the eliminating passwords space?
This post featured on hackernews argues that users should be aware that this makes your google account only as secure as your weakest device security and thus isn’t ideal for the average user: https://lauren.vortex.com/2023/10/10/dont-use-google-passkeys-now
https://github.com/AlfioEmanueleFresta/xdg-credentials-portal is a WIP proposal for a spec to enable OS-level support for FIDO similar to how Windows and macOS do it. Not sure how far away from being approved it is, but that would then make implementations easier to build
See also https://github.com/psanford/tpm-fido
Keys in the cloud can be gotten by governments and are always one zero day away from being leaked. Nooo thank you.
It’s my understanding that the passkeys are stored encrypted so this is not an issue.
Google deciding to disable your account for no reason is something to fear, though.
https://www.enpass.io/blog/security/enpass-steps-into-the-passwordless-future-with-passkey-management-for-ios/ Apparently, you can use enpass and store your vault self hosted, and it supports passkeys. Was just my first quick google find, don’t know about enpass‘s reputation.
That’s my understanding as well, a software fido2 key basically